I’ve had a month-long hiatus from blogging on the bava—which may be the longest ever—although I have been posting images, tweets, bookmarks, and more here. Fittingly, the latest incarnation of ds106 has started up, noir106, so I am getting back in the groove. I did today’s daily create, inspired by July Laszakovits take on the prompt.It’s a writing prompt, which is inline with how we will be running noir106 this semester, and here it is:
5 in 1 Story
Grab the 5 nearest books around you. (Novels or textbooks, whatever story you’re wanting to make.)
Create a story from the following:
The first sentence on p. 1 of the first book.
The seventh sentence on p. 5 of the second book.
The first sentence of the third paragraph on p. 20 of the third book.
The fifteenth sentence on p. 47 of the fourth book.
The last sentence on the last page of the fifth book.Give it a catchy title!
This daily create was submitted by #wire106 internaut Lauren Brumfield—big fan!—so last semester and this semester collide in a creative explosion of cut and paste texts right away. So, below is my take on this assignment, and I am struck my how cool it is. I’ve read all the texts recently in preparation for class, and at least one for leisure—that would be the 19th century Russian novella 🙂
Green dice rolled across the green table, struck the rim together, and bounced back. I pretended like I didn’t hear him. “Quite so,” said Syme placidly, “a kind of screw! How simple that is!” Rather than raging against a fate that the audience has learned to accept, the female hero often accepts a fate that the audience at least partially questions. However passionate, sinful, rebellious the heart buried in this grave, the flowers growing on it look out at us as serenely with their innocent eyes: they tell us not only of that eternal peace, that great peace of “indifferent” nature; they tell us also of eternal reconciliation and life everlasting…
Book 1 : The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
Book 2: The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson
Book 3: The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
Book 4: Refiguring American Film Genres, quotes essay by Linda Williams
Book 5: Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev