Blog OR DIE!

Mark Corbett Wilson put together the above minute-long clip taken from the inaugural Reclaim Rewind 2024 event earlier this month. It features Maren Deepwell prompting me to discuss our company montra over the last several months, namely “Blog OR DIE!” What follows is a bit of a rant about how I continue to blog circles around pretty much the entire internet; just because I’m annoying doesn’t mean I’m wrong! In fact, Maren is one of the few who has thus far out-blogged me in 2024 with a whopping 65 posts, but the year is young yet for the bava! As of right now I have 60 posts in the can, and at least 6 more to go because Blog OR DIE! is not only a way of life, but it’s also an open license to freely talk shit on all those who do not Blog or DIE! as hard as me!! And there are many….all those little Instagrammers and Facebookers have no idea what it means to be free, they lead lives of quiet desperation, but they brought it upon themselves. I have no pity and will show no mercy! Blog OR DIE!

This can be filed under the category “Maren is nice.” Other info: Hat tip by @visualthinkery is licensed under CC-by-sa. Remix by Maren Deepwell.

I’m thinking this new montra might very well catch-on, I mean even the other “last of the bloghicans,” Alan Levine, is calling for this post—-and who am I to let the blogfather down? In fact, I’m making a commitment over the next 12 months to publish first and foremost to my blog, and only after that to sundry places around the web. I’ve been pretty good about keeping the blog central to my online life, but I could even do better. I’ve been known to push out a quick photo or link without taking the time to contextualize it here and ensure it remains part of this ongoing narrative. There’s another reason though, last week (December 13th to be exact) wrapped up the 19th year of consistent blogging on the bava. I haven’t done anything else this regularly over the course of my life, and the blog has been berry, berry good to me! As of now I have 3863 published posts and more than 16,600 comments on this blog. It’s my goal by December 13th, 2025 to have 4000 posts, which means an average of 11 posts each month for the next 12 months. If I’m able to pull that off it will be an average of 200 posts a year for 20 years: 4000 posts! If blogging where baseball it would make me something of a cross between Pete Rose (RIP!) and Cal Ripken Jr.: an iron blogger with hustle!

So this post is where I throw down the gaunlet and say Blog OR DIE! Not just as some blustery slogan (although that too!), but as an ongoing commitment to a way of life. A way of closing in strong on twenty years of blogging on this outpost of sense making in the wilds of the world wide web. 4life!

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3 Responses to Blog OR DIE!

  1. Alan Levine says:

    It works! A blog ping got me the bava post we can all reference when issuing the BoD! call.

    And I am feeling that call, been a bit dusty on the blog home front. Stuff can go the other places, but that should always be the exhaust from one’s own domain.


    • Reverend says:

      In addition to blogging more, I have to be more like you and comment more. You are a comment machine, and I do believe that is the secret sauce that keeps people coming back to their blog, so add that to my year of BoD! I’ll be seeing you in the comments.

  2. Pingback: Blog blog blog 2024 – CogDogBlog

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