There’s been some rumblings there’s a blogging reniassance afoot, given the idea comes from the brilliant mind of Maren Deepwell (an inveterate blogger) the smart money is on #blogging4life. When Maren suggested Reclaim “sponsor” a community of practice focused around blogging to start the year, I was like: let’s go! I share her excitement for blogging and I couldn’t help but think walking the walk is the most respectable path forward, and very much inline with the Reclaim way. To that end, we plan on transforming our monthly community chats to community of practice meetings entered on various elements of blogging. What’s more, we’ll also be running regular streams wherein we talk with bloggers about their craft.
In fact, the series will get started at the end of the month with a serious bang given we’ll be talking with Ed Tech’s most formidable voice, Audrey Watters, on January 31st at 1 PM ET on ReclaimTV. She’ll be talking about her road to blogging and evolution as a writer on (and off) the web. If I know Audrey there will be more than a few gems to hold on to.
In February and March we’ll be hearing from others such as Kin Lane, Mike Caulfield, and hopefully Tom Woodward and Amy Collier, so already a murderer’s row of great bloggers. Stay tuned for more, including upcoming dates and times.
So anyway, it’s high time to let your blog flag fly. Dust off that archived site, or better yet start your very first one, and join Bloggers Anonymous to help kick that addiction to corporate social media. We’re here to help, think of us as your blog sponsors in the original sense of that word: ongoing support and encouragement through un-monetized comments

Proud Member of Bloggers Anonymous: My Name is bava and I’m a blogger
You might even get a bloggers anonymous badge like the one above if you prove you have what it takes to reclaim the web from its current slough of despond!
Looking forward to all the goodness coming up! I’m inspired to revive my blog and hoping to push out a few posts soon in between support tickets lol. #blogging4life!
A Reclaimers should be answering support tickets, but also be blogging. #4life
It’s bad when I have to call a typo, but look at your spelling of “blog flag” 😉
Whew, thanks for that edit, would hate to let that flag fly for any longer.
You can hide behind a random account, but today will go down in the history of the internet as the day Cogdog fixed a typo!
Sounds great. Look forward to reading the posts.
And you have quite a blog, maybe you need to join this merry band of blogging pranksters?
I see your post, and I raise you by one comment. BOOOM!
Thanks for the shout out, and for being so quick to make this idea a reality. Always a privilege and a pleasure to let the fun of collaboration commence!
Commenting is the way and this is truly an awesome idea as the joyful responses have shown. Blogging might be dead, but so is edtech, so who cares 🙂
Help Bloggers Anonymous! I seriously started blogging again in late 2024, and now I can’t stop!!!
Loved your recent slew of posts, and it feels like we are back in the bullpen again, just this time with an ocean between us, and quite a few social media great whites. I’ll see you in the comments andheblogs, the sobriety is over!
I’m here for the badge – assuming that blogs not hosted by reclaim are eligible.
All blogs eligible! And I have a feeling you need no help at all 🙂
Thank you. Not like me to ask permission 😀
Hi, my name’s Tim and it’s been 3 days since my last post.
I want to book you for one of our sessions. I am really loving the way how openly you blog about your professional process. The authenticity you bring to your writing is really special, and I think it would make for an awesome chat, so stay tuned.
I’m in!
Nice to see this happening. After 21 years (!) of blogging, I took something of break over the last half of 2024. But, as the new year began, I decided to re-commit to writing in my space and see what else I might have to say. Thanks for the motivation, Jim.
Old gold! Glad you got back on the wagon. Blogging is a way of tracking personal and professional time, and I wonder if when someone who has been doing the work for 21 years like you might feel a hole when it stops. I am not sure, but for me I have never done anything as consistently and for as long in my entire life, so it has become almost a defining feature, which can be good and bad. Blog sobriety is not what we are aiming for here, Tim. I think you need to come to our first support chat to keep the posting alive 🙂
I never fell off blogging at — going steady since 2008! I would proudly display a Bloggers Anonymous badge if one were to appear for me somehow! Cheers!
Rock, not rot, Ted. A blogger blogs, and you are just that. I was remiss to note that the badge is pretty much there for anyone who wants it thanks to the amazing Bryan Mathers’s Remix Machine:
You can just remix that one, but then again I can also make it for you once I am certain you are at no risk of falling off the blog wagon 🙂
They’re pilin’ in the back seat
They’re generatin’ steam heat
Pulsatin’ to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Blog
I can alwys count on you to pull in the punk! Damn you are awesome. And I saw you blogged the B Move clip, so good! Network Effects lives!
Hi, I’m Mark and I blog.
I’m looking forward to Reclaim “trasnforming [SIC] our monthly community chats to community of practice meetings.” 😉
You have been an amazing and regular community member these last years. So I wonder if you aren’t made the distributor of the badges for those who commit to blogging over time 😉 I really think we need to reward you for being so awesome, although I see you made a badge of your own, which is kind of the point, right? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
Also, thanks for the proofread, now that misspelling never happened….
How superbly brilliant is this idea .. love it .. I’ve been trying and failing miserably to get back blogging .. can I play too please ?
Open to all, the only requirement is the will to want to blog 🙂
And I (in my own kind of way) will lurk.
Right here.
I’m in yr. comments brah!
the comments are coming from INSIDE the blog.
I always appreciate lurkers.
Is there a specific RSS feed I can follow (’cause we all still do that, yeah?) or just keep an eye on your blog here?
I am working with Maren Deepwell on all the details, but I am working on getting a blog aggregator together for folks who are joining in, plus there will be a the tag #blogging4life as well as a Discord channel on the Reclaim Discord ( for folks who want to check that out, so a few avenues, but the motherblog will be an all-in-one RSS feed I am hoping. But I will definitely post an update here sometime this week.
how does one join Bloggers Anonymous…is it like walking into Mordor?
It is taking all my self control not to post the meme…but I should. In fact, I will with the follow-up post. Most of what I responded to Kevin above is relevant here, motherblog RSS feed, Discord channel, and more. Also, I forgot to mention there is the monthly community of practice blogging events that will be announced. I will work with Maren to set up an info page and one-stop shop given this blog is definitely not a reliable narrator. That said, the event will be taking place throughout 2025, so we all have time to blog and comment more 🙂
okay. you lured me in. use your power for good 🙂
(…or #4life?)
OMG you’re famous! Blogher #4life Although Maren is the real genius, I am just the good looks. I’ll be looking out for your posts and ready to comment, and Maren blogged some more of the particulars today:
I think the real key will be getting a feed folks can easily check in on of a bunch of blogs, so we’ll be probably looking to aggregate and build a community around that. Anyway, nothing like re-inventing 2006.
I haven’t blogged in almost a year, but Maren’s post gave me food for thought. Seeing blogging as a kind of personal journal, not caring whether anyone reads it or not, might be the way to go… But I hesitate – perhaps I’m too conditioned to think about writing for an audience, and once it’s out there it’s out there… I very much like the CoP idea though, so count me in!
Maybe a focused audience on a smaller care within a community of tractive and care is one way to manage those concerns. It’s always good to ask why blog in the first place. Does the process bring joy? I find for me it often does, but it also means it’s never easy.
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