ds106 Assignments: Effective Engagement in Online Classes from Jim Groom on Vimeo.
Alexandra Pickett, who’s having students create an engaging online course space, asked if I would share some quick advice for thinking about how one might approach designing engagement into an online course experience. I can only steal from the best, and Martha Burtis‘ design of the ds106 assignments is probably the coolest thing I’ve seen in this regard. What’s more, it changed the very notion of engagement for the high school ds106ers I taught two weeks ago. As a technical framework it fundamentally changed the way I teach the class. It allows me to personalize instruction, abstract the tools, and let the students choose and create what they want. That’s amazing in my mind. I would write more, but I have a post I am writing hailing Martha Burtis for the genius she is when it comes to ds106.
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If you would like to participate in the video conversation mentioned by Jim, i would love to have you join us : http://www.youtube.com/video_response_view_all?v=8q9MD5rwbb0
Here is some info about my online master’s level course: introduction to online teaching: http://etap640.edublogs.org/2011/07/14/tools-i-use-to-enhance-my-instuction-to-engage-online-learners/
See what my students are blogging about: http://www.netvibes.com/alexandrapickett#ETAP640_-_summer_2012
: ) thanks Jim!
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