I just listened to Brian Bennett’s follow-up audio to the compelling explanation of what ds106 is that he published last week. His audio producing talents are razor sharp, and this follow-up piece was particularly compelling for me because it starts out describing a failure, namely the moment wherein more almost fifty ds106 students’ sites were hacked by emre5807. It was any instructor’s nightmare, and my first reaction was far from phlegmatic. At the same time, I always found online violations far less scary that physical ones, and as we talk about in the podcast—getting hacked is part of being online.
Chalkstar to Rockstar #06 – ds106 Defending the Open Web
As I was listening to the audio I realized that I actually have video of the moment wherein I spend the first ten minutes of class playing the character detective Kim Droom. I deliver the news of the hacking to everyone in character as a long-haired police detective from New Jersey. If you listen to the class reaction it doesn’t sound like a defeated group as a result of this failure. In fact, it seemed to bring them closer together as a class. What other folks would consider failure might actually be a way to build community and making something together as a community that’s moves beyond the isolated, competing bodies just for the best grade. We all deserve more, we all deserve Kim Droom 🙂
This Week in ds106: Kim Droom vs Enre5807 from umwnewmedia on Vimeo.