Isolating Animation with Masked Layers in GIMP

Last May or June I went on a sick tear animating GIFs, and even isolating pieces of those GIFs so that only certain parts of an image would animate. However, turns out I forgot everything I figured out less than 10 months ago, so I decided to retrace my steps and make a short screencast tutorial this time to remember some of the baics. Scott Lockman just did an awesome animated GIF of the M*A*S*H ATari 2600 cover, and I would love to hear how his experience matches up with this, but in the mean time here is quick and dirty tutorial which is really just my way of slowly building up enough courage to take on the animated comic book cover assignment.

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5 Responses to Isolating Animation with Masked Layers in GIMP

  1. lockmantuj says:

    This screen cast is very helpful. I realized while watching this that the technique I’d been trying to figure out was backwards. I’m looking forward to applying what you’ve demonstrated – it actually does look pretty simple.

    The MASH Atari remix turned in to a beast of a job because I tried using a layer mask for a situation that didn’t require it.

    Inspired by what you’ve done here, I’ll try to knock out a screen cast later this evening. The second time through, now that I kinda know the way, should be as time consuming or frustrating.

    Thanks Jim – you keep on raising that bar and we’ll do our best to follow you over it.

  2. Pingback: Scorphonic Animated GIF » scottlo radio blog

  3. Pingback: You’re All Right » scottlo radio blog

  4. Pingback: I Can’t GIF it Out of My System - CogDogBlog

  5. Pingback: Bringing out the GIMP |

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