This week it was Johnny Dangerously (1984). I’ve not seen it in roughly 40 years and I forgot how insane its humor could get. It’s a total gag film; I kept on remarking just how much it reminded me of Airplane! throughout the podcast.

My father hung me on a hook once…once!
It’s both very stupid and very fun at the same time, even if written off by critics when it came out for its sophomoric humor. MBS argues Amy Heckerling’s film is very much the predecessor to later sophomoric filmmakers like the Farrelly Brothers. Think of it as a bridge between Mel Brooks and the world of Will Ferrell. If you had access to a VHS store in the mid-80s, chances are you’ve seen and subsequently quoted this one. Maybe that was a big reason for the joyful return to this relic of my cultural past.

“You lousy corksuckers have violated my fargin’ rights.”
For me the film is very much about meme quotes during high school after watching it in someone’s basement before going out for the night. This was the social world of movies in the 80s. Johnny Dangerously was one we endlessly quoted, you lousy cork-suckers!
It’s a HECKERLING? I had no idea this one had a pedigree.
It holds up surprisingly well, if you are into sophopmoric humor, I strongly recommend it 🙂