Mapping My Bathroom Tile

I spent some time this morning using Bryan Mathers’s Remix Machine to map out the tile design for my bathroom re-design, I think it’s going to come out quite well:

Pixelated Avatars

What’s more, it doubles beautifully as my first Daily Create in eons. I was inspired by a certain dog the blogs cogs on the internet, and if you can’t see it clearly, here is the original: a headshot of Puritan super villain Cotton Mather who battles Scarlet Witch (of course) and Spider-man as part of the Marvel Team-Up series run from the 70s through the mid-80s.

Image of Cotton Mather and long time bava avatar

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2 Responses to Mapping My Bathroom Tile

  1. Alan Levine says:

    Hey, one TDC in a row, the bava is on a roll. And indeed standing on Cotton in the washroom has appeal.

    It’s interesting given the texture of the original. I could not help but experiment with re-pixelating your pixelated Cotton. The effect was marginal, until I swapped the icon and zoomed in a bit.

    It’s all love for the bava!

    • Reverend says:

      I like this one, especially the hearts. Are you trying to tell the bava something? I bit more abstract, but I have to say the pixelated aesthetic never gets old for this 8-bit kid

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