One Post at a Time

Picking up on the bloggers anonymous theme I’ve been having a bit of fun with, I was thinking about the parallel ideas in Alcoholics Anonymous, an organization that has kept many lost souls on the straight and narrow quite effectively. On my way to work I was thinking about the AA slogan of “One Day at a Time,” something I had all kinds of exposure to as a child.* While chatting with Antonella on my way to work I was remarking that I had to take it “one day at a time” this week given various day job overhead—I love you Reclaim! That made me think of Maren’ Deepwell’s “How to Get Your Blog Mojo Back” s post and Taylor Jadin’s intentionally “Blogging Small” response:

I’m really trying to embrace the first two pieces of advice, “Start small” and “Blogging is not a to do list” on this site, and at least so far it’s encouraged me to blog more. In fact, making more frequent, but shorter blog posts is what really encouraged me to make the move back away from a static-site generator for this blog, and so far, I’ve been enjoying how quickly I can publish something new. The mindset change, slightly enabled by different tools, seems to be helping for me.

This might mean we can get D’Arcy Norman and Tim Klapdor back to WordPress. Come on in, the water’s fine! šŸ™‚

More seriously, the whole idea of shorter posts that link an idea or share a quick, half-formed thought seemed to be the very essence of the blogosphere in 2005 or so. Downes still does this brilliantly with the OL Daily. This idea that a post has to be polished and fully-baked would make me feel the same way I did about academic writing, uninspired. The bava is a place for my creative will, however big or small, smart or dumb, timely or irrelevant. A blog is an online home you build one day at a time, so take it easy, brother, we’re here for you šŸ˜‰


*The rhetoric of AA is not new to me, the red sparkled bumper stickers like “Let Go and Let God” were definitely omnipresent during my childhood.

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3 Responses to One Post at a Time

  1. Now I have Lena Martell as an earworm: One Day at a Time

  2. nuh uh. I’ve seen that movie. Staying out of that particular body of water for my own stuff šŸ™‚

    I’m half-thinking of resurrecting the “asides” content type on my site – so many things I start to almost write a blog post don’t make it that far, but something smaller/quicker might be goodā€¦

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