The ds106 99: #17 Annihilating my network

You might be wondering why this bava post has all these images of various people from my network just sitting there in neat rows like a traditional classroom. Well, you’ll just have to watch the video below to find out.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="640" height="480" wmode="transparent" /]

View the larger version here.

Special thanks to Laughing Llama who alerted me to the awesomeness that is this:

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7 Responses to The ds106 99: #17 Annihilating my network

  1. Brian says:

    From post-existence.

  2. Alan Levine says:

    In the space of your head no one can hear you scream.

    Alas, there *is* an afterlife.

  3. Ouch! Publicly shamed for something I already feel very guilty about. “Half-semester boy,” bows his head in shame. Just wondering what happened to the supportive loving Bava. Did ds106 suck out all the love?

    Having said that, I am honored to have made this cut. Looks like my jumping into the pool in the dark, made some kind of difference. At least I know it did for me. Every time I feel too guilty for my disappearance I hear Grant’s rusky voice screeching out…”Bags of goooolld. Bags of gold.”

    Not sure what it all means, but I know it was good. You haven’t seen the last of me yet. Do I hit Mark All As Read on the my entire Ds106 feed, of course I do, but you haven’t seen the last of me. ds106 is not a course I took. It is who I am online and that will not end in a few weeks for me. I am in this for the long haul baby.

    Makin’ Art damnit not for course credit or street cred, just cause I need to.

  4. dkernohan says:

    Jim looked up from his keyboard. Finally there was silence.

    Tweetdeck hummed, empty, the API calls pinging at a dead server. The pixels forming the zero in his inbox quietly burned. From his speakers, only static. Even AutoDJ had gone.

    With a start he left his chair and began to pace the corridors. He flicked at useless switches, threw open office doors, grabbed a fire axe and swung it, half-heartedly, at window. He heard each individual shard of glass fall, the violence of the break less than the shock of the breach of the silence.

    In his mind he was still in the ship, it’s smooth isosceles an extension of his body, the single gun still hot from his purges.

    All the noise, all the requests, the abuse, the me-me-me of the angsty edubloggers. Gone. Gone in one glorious morning of violence. Now he was free.

    “I am JIM GROOM,” he bellowed. “I am THE BAVA!”

    Fredriksburg stood, still, defiant.

    “No one destroys like the BAVA. NO ONE!”

    But there was no one listening. Only the blasted walls of the UMW campus. Had he gone too far? Was he any more than the sum of his online correspondence?

    Had he gone to far? He sat, awkwardly, on a patch of grass and stared up through the old, leafless tree.

    Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out.

  5. Todd Conaway says:

    I wonder how the story of ds106 will be told in the future. Will it be an audio clip, a film, a screenplay? Maybe it will only be contained in an interactive space where all media can be experienced by viewer? @dkernohan, those words are lovely and I wonder what genre will ds106 fit into if any? A tragedy? Comedy? Thriller?

    The educator (?) person in me wants to scream, “How the heck do you write a novel that has no end?”

  6. A small boy approached Bava and stood before him on the patch of grass.
    “Red Rum! Red Rum!”, he croaked. like a post-modern reference to a mashed up YouTube clip. From beyond the horizon a fleet of zombified-ds106-consumers ravaged the landscape, the annihilated network resurrected.
    “Braaaaaaains, feed our Braaaaaaaains”, they moaned, unaware they were now the walking dead, superficially unaffected by the effects pixelated bullets had upon their gravatars.
    They still had blood lust for knowledge, grasping at their web-enabled devices they continued to blog, flickr and tweet ds106 hash tags, much to the confusion of their professional networks and to the great consternation of Bava, himself.
    Bewildered and amazed, Bava stretched his arms around his chest, giving himself a tight hug and gave himself a well-deserved double pat on the back.
    Yet again, he created something that had legs, that became greater than the sum of its parts, an unstoppable force in the Internet.

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