We have finalized the schedule for both day 1 and day 2 of Domains19, and you can see them both online here. It’s quite a line-up, and as Lauren has already announced, we are thrilled to add our fourth and final keynote: Amy Collier, who will be speaking about Wakefulness, Agency, Ownership, and Trust:
What does teaching and learning look like when we take seriously our students’ privacy and agency? This is a question we wrestle with in my group at Middlebury, Digital Learning and Inquiry, and I imagine this will feel like a familiar or even front-and-center concern for others at Domains. Surveillance and other troubling practices enter our teaching in seemingly benign ways, with mostly good intentions. This presentation will ask us to reconsider those practices and explore how pedagogy is transformed when we center the ideas of wakefulness, agency, ownership, and trust (ooh and freedom, and possibility, and love, and…and…and…).
It’s going to be one hit after another at Domains19, and I think it is high time you hippies but down whatever it is you’re smoking and register for this conference already!