10 Years at bavatuesdays

Today marks the end of my 10th year blogging on the bava. That’s almost a quarter of my life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: starting and maintaining this blog regularly over the last 10 years was the single best thing I’ve ever done professionally.

I’ve exorcised many a professional demon on this blog, and hatched a few as well. With almost 3000 posts and more than 13,000 comments, the bava has become part of a larger collection of ideas I’ve shared with so many folks who helped shape them. It’s an amazing archive of my less than amazing thinking. And despite having always been a terrible writer, I have always wanted to write. Good writing takes talent and dedication. I never really found the talent part, but this blog helped me tackle the dedication bit. But then again, it’s only ever aspired to the status of b-blog, so the writing hsa always been held to a strict standard of less-than-great.

The bava continues to provide a space entirely free of the constraints of academic and professionalized writing—things that immediately freeze both my brain and my pen. Something as simple and unassuming as a blog has proven absolutely liberating for my work, and has continually fueled my passion for helping folks take control of their own personal spaces on the web. A see the bava as the most virtuous of cut-rate circles.

10 years on, as I sit perched high above the internet in my reclaimed Italian Villa perusing the valley from whence I climbed, I can only say this: “IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!”* But no time to gloat, I have some blogging to do 🙂

Panoramic View from Mezzocorona


*Thanks for that, Scott Leslie. 🙂

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3 Responses to 10 Years at bavatuesdays

  1. Thunderous applause, sir. Thunderous applause.

  2. My friend, Sean Ziebarth, and I read George Sirc’s English Composition As A Happening last summer and he created a slew of images in response to Sirc’s ideas: https://twitter.com/search?f=images&vertical=default&q=%23sircsummer&src=typd

    I love anyone that is reclaiming writing from the tyranny of “academic writing.” I just stumbled across your Twitter account and this blog thanks to a tweet from Urbie Delgado. I’m looking forward to seeing how you approach things. Thanks for your persistence.

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