So, my text encoding woes when moving a WP 2.3 single installation to WPMu 1.3.3 have not entirely disappeared, and this post is an important addendum to the original here.
So, in short, after seeing stuff like this scattered through the bava:
Žižek has turned into Žižek. Other examples include “a cinema-véritésque film”, industry’s has turned into industry’s.
I followed the advice in this forum thread, and changing the character set in the wp-config.php file from UTF8 to UTF-8, which was seemingly a typo. And while this change fixed the encoding issues and I was very happy, it also created a little problem. Namely, any new blog I created in this environment on the original domain (and any of the mapped domains) would through this re-direction server error “The page isn’t re-diredcing preoperly.” I would get yet another error message like the following when trying to edit the blog from the Site Admin–>Blogs subtab: “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/web/www/blog/wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php on line 138”
And while my site was now properly encoded, it could no longer create blog within this WPMu environment, no small cost for having legible text. So, I went searching on the forums and came to this topic, where I read of others having similar issues. The recommendation to change UTF-8 back to Latin seemed to too crazy for me, so I just changed UTF-8 back to UTF8 and the new blogs a created thereafter resolved and everything is now fine, except of course that I am seeing a few text-encoding anomalies in my recent posts, and I’m afraid to go into the archive to deeply in fear that I will be overwhelmed with the cleanup I have to do.
So, my hell is not over, but hopefully this can be resolved at some point soon. Perhaps my first WPMu TRAC ticket?
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Latin1 might not be as crazy a choice as you think. I’ve been through all this in upgrading from 1.2.5a to 1.3.3. I’ve added a forum post here:
Essentially I checked the encoding being used by my MySQL database, found it was Latin1, and have changed WPMU 1.3.3 to match. It currently seems happy with that, in that the spurious character issue is fixed, and blogs can be created, updated and accessed OK.
I had considered that, but the issue for me is during the upgrade all of my database tables, save a few plugins tables, are now UTF8. This makes the whole thing further vexing. I actually put this on the back burner for the moment, but will have to return to it shortly, for I keep finding bad encoding in my archived posts, which drives me nuts!