Alien GIFs

The following GIFs are all way too big, but I don’t care. I’ve watched Alien a few times this week, and I can’t get enough of it. I want to do a GIF series about computers from films during the late 70s and early 80s. Mother rules.

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8 Responses to Alien GIFs

  1. Brian says:

    Those are all killer.

  2. Reverend says:

    Thanks dude, I like them too, the aesthetic in Alien may be second to none when you long at it long enough. ANd how sick that mother has all those blinking lights and just that little ass screen. That is some CPU right there.

  3. Ben says:

    The lights coming on aboard the Nostromo make a great gif, as does Mother attempting to decode the transmission. Can’t wait to get working on some high qaulity cinemagraphs this summer!

  4. D'Arcy says:

    awesome. that second one of Mother blinking alive is totally killer. so good.

    • Reverend says:

      I can’t wait to see them—I love me some animated GIFs.

      @D’Arcy and Mikhail,
      Thanks guys, I think I could do about 40 more GIFs from this film, it is a masterpiece of the highest order cinematically.

  5. Mikhail says:

    Brilliant. Love the Harry Dean one.

  6. These are amazing. Jones is perfect.

  7. Awesome. More!

    I have always, always wanted my workspace to look like the Nostromo’s command desk.
    -Bryan, very serious Alien nerd

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