Inspired by Andy Forgrave—as I so regularly have been recently—I tried my hand at an animated ds106zone trading card. I cooked up a quick 4 star example of the animated movie trading card assignment for the beginning of many ds106zone trading cards. You better believe that I, like Andy, will be coming back to this one. I used my own card template, but Andy’s is much better so when I have time I will be re-doing his vertical template, as well as create a landscape version. I’ll save them both as an XCF card template file for GIMP for anyone to use. What’s more, it may come in useful alongside this tutorial for how you can approach this assignment using GIMP.
4 stars (that’s 16 if you round up, baby!)
Ah, yes. The Animated GIF Movie Trading Card.
I did not post any as I wanted to focus on The Invaders and I wanted to stay away from GIFfing everything under the sun last night. Of course, as soon as I got over my 10 stars for The Invaders, I turned to my Katamit GIF and put him in a ds106zone Trading Card. (It’s not yet posted.)
I then turned to another set of GIFs that I’ve been wrestling with, trying to decide whether to post them as a multi-frame GIF story, or as a synchronized, multi-panel GIF — and last night I decided just to do them up as Animated GIF Trading Cards. I have two done, and probably another four in the episode to do. I got tired and called it quits and am just getting back to my computer now.
@cogdog has floated out a challenge to me of doing the flip sides as well, but I don’t know that the characters in The Twilight Zone are fleshed out enough with a consistent series of attributes that would play across the various cards. So I think I’ll by pass that challenge. I was thinking about doing vertical cards for characters, and horizontal cards for key scenes. Time enough to play!
And so, on to some GIFfing, which I will then post, and then I have a selected list of other Visual/Design assignments that I want to try out — with a GIF-hiatus for the remainder of the evening.