“Eight year olds, Dude”

What can I say about The Big Lebowski that hasn’t already been said? Now that I think about it I could probably find something, but it would seem to rob this masterpiece of its magic. Just about every scene could be a scene to feature, and I was looking for the “Uli’s a nihilist” scene when I stumbled upon this Jesus gem. Is there a better line in context then “8 year olds, dude”?

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4 Responses to “Eight year olds, Dude”

  1. Mikhail says:

    Say what you will about the bava, at least it’s an ethos.

  2. I’m a Dudeist Priest…abide.


    I was admonished for having the “mark it zero” Walter pic as my desktop. I guess that’s the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin’ itself.

  3. Seth says:

    That guy looks like D’Arcy. Same phrases too.

  4. and a twist on Mikhail:

    Say what you will about EduPunk, but at least it’s an ethos.”

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