Joe McMahon, the youngest Instructional Technologist at DTLT the next to youngest instructional technologist we have working at DTLT (second now that Shannon has joined the fold), is a rock star! Over the last week or so Joe has been writing up an overview of six free, web-based tools that we will then recommend to incoming Freshman during this week’s indoctrination ceremonies.
None of these tools will be new to most of you, but I really love Joe’s off-handed style in the six overviews of the respective tools that he writes up on this site. We will be converting much of what Joe wrote here into a less colloquial tone as a resource for faculty and staff interested in a number of powerful and free online tools. Joe’s approach in the student-centered site is quite refreshing, and he does an excellent job of framing their relevance in at once a nonchalant, perceptive and focused style. Whatever we write up for the more official sounding version for faculty, there is no doubt we can learn a lot from the playful, yet clear tone that Joe brings to I can has tools? Thanks Joe, loving your handiwork!
Update: And in fact, Martha has already done an excellent job of working through a number of these tools beautifully here.
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Yes, and he is soooooo cute.