I got 99 #ds106 posts and this ain’t one

So, today marks the beginning of a project I have come up with to push myself to document all the genius happening around ds106. It’s simple in theory: three posts everyday until Northern Voice (which is exactly 30 days away now). But I am not sure I can do it in practice, but I figure even if I accomplish a fraction of this ridiculous number I’ll have gone a long way towards documenting far more than I otherwise would have. So, enough of the hype and promises cause now it’s time to start the 99 posts for ds106 cause this ain’t one. Thanks Jay-Z.

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2 Responses to I got 99 #ds106 posts and this ain’t one

  1. Ben says:

    Wow, good luck! I’m lucky if I can swing 3 posts a week on a regular basis. Then again, if anyone can pull off such a coup, it’s the person riding atop the ds106 beast!

  2. GNA says:


    In reading this post I finally get what you said yesterday re: 99 posts. At the time I am unashamed to admit, I was completely and comfortably lost.

    Good luck in accomplishing this goal … it is a mighty one that only a crazy bastard like you would even attempt.


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