This is a layup for ds106. The minimalist post that moves beyond film and TV and takes on the world of philosophy. Kudos to British designer Gex, these are awesome.
I owe someone a kudos here for the tip, but I can’t remember who so I tweeted out the query in hopes that I can update this post with proper credit shortly. Credit for this link goes to Alan Liddell that came across it via this Technoccult post. Now I need to add this as an assignment to ds106 🙂
I could have swore I saw it first on JMcClurken, but looking at his stream just now, bupkes.
I got it, it was the great ds106 student Alan Liddell.
When it comes to philosophy, I’m more of a follower, not a initiator….
Philosophy sucks.
I want to see the made minimally plain the seven deadly sins – wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
I like all of these with the exception of atheism. The upside-down cross is still a faith symbol, whether that of in the Catholic church or, circa the 20th century, an anti-Christ symbol. If I were to have done this myself, I would have used the symbol for the null set for nihilism and the ‘X’ for atheism.