Have you registered for Domains 17 yet? There is no time like the present! Especially since we are presently working on the conference t-shirt. Bryan Mathers came up with the following sketch of the shirt…
…based on this email by Lauren Brumfield to get the word out to folks who expressed interest as well as a gentle reminder for scheduled presenters to register.
There has been some guff from folks, specifically our fellow conference organizer Adam Croom, about Reclaim’s resistance to black t-shirts. Tim Owens has gone on record about his problem with the hegemony of Def Leppard-inspired concert Ts, but Adam promised us the black t-shirts would mean more registrants so it is time for you all to prove him wrong so we can go back to the many colors of the Reclaim Rainbow.
But if you register now we will not hold it against you either.