Preparing for Northern Voice: My Abstract

Name: Jim Groom
URL: http://
Talk Title: ds106: learn it, live it, love it!!
Room Size: Don’t Care!
All I can say is that we need to do a live radio broadcast of ds106 madness, and you can’t stop us—if you try, we will take over the conference. The force is strong with us, and NV11 will submit, believe you me! learn it, live it, love it you Vancouver hippies, I will save your conference from itself!!!
Bio: The internet

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

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6 Responses to Preparing for Northern Voice: My Abstract

  1. Reverend says:


    It is going to be fun, and as you can see, I have no intention of actually getting a session accepted, I’m purely there to have some fun! Work and sessions is for suckers 🙂

  2. dkernohan says:

    Damn – one day I will get to Northern Voice… clearly it is the conference I was destined to attend. I wanna do ds106 live and do some edujamming and some beer drinking and not talk about OER or UK HE funding policy for a large number of days.

  3. Jim says:

    They do have scholarships, and I was hoping to do a ds106 pledge drive to send people to Northern Voice, that would be fun. Let’s not rule it out just yet 🙂

  4. Brian says:

    Hopefully in addition to the radio stuff (I know Grant is plotting some craziness), we might gather whichever #ds106 alumni happen to be around (could easily be a dozen of us) for a more comprehensive session/hootenanny.

  5. jason says:

    I will be around. You would think what with being on holiday all this week some awesome ideas would have struck me about a proposal or something. But… nope. As usual I will have to ride the coattails of others.

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