Barbara Ganley poses the following question at the beginning of her talk:
What is the correlation between your own personal use of Web technologies and the way you use them in the classroom?
Well, what is it for me? The correlation falls at the interstices of making the process an active, open archive of learning that pushes the limits of sharing, collaborating, and building upon their own relationships with a larger social, political and economic context. The correlation is a vision of finally using technology to rethink the access to education and the ways we help one another think, learn, discover and share ideas. A network we could have only dreamed about 200, no less 20 years ago.
Random quotes from Barbara Ganley’s discussion of slow blogging: “Sending letters to self…slow blogging as an organic evolving portfolio…writing to and for actual people…links on the internet that don’t exist in real life…how do you know excellence when you see it…we will become the course…we will shape and define the course…An archive of learning that intersects with others learning…Use the tools of the time to teach to the time”
I have so much more to say about this talk and will be thinking and re-watching this presentation very soon, but to be quick and to the point (quite the opposite of Barbara’s beautifully nuanced presentation about slow blogging): it was the best discussion on the uses of the blog in life, learning, and love I have yet to see, hear, or read. Wow, Barbara -amazing. Thank you!
You can find the slides for the presentation here on Barbara’s flickr account. Also, as soon as the webcast is available, I will point to it here -a must watch!