Aaron Clemmer (of Galagon Wagon fame) has finished the video game he created as his final project for ds106. The game is fun to play and what’s even better is how he has blogged his process of creation throughout the last half of the semester, you can find all the posts here. On top of everything else Aaron had going in his life—and this can be said for just about all ds106ers—he decided to take on creating a flash/action script based game as a way of rounding off his working. I applaud both the insane challenge he set himself and the fortitude and dedication he illustrated in getting it done. Bravo! (And let’s remember Aaron is the same cat that programmed the twitterbot to automatically update with the latest song playing on ds106radio.) Amazing!
This is just one of the many posts I will be writing featuring some of the awesome work that has happened around ds106 this semester, let the celebration of genius begin! Now stop reading this post and play “The Beneath.”
so is the idea of the game to run away from Tim Doom?lol