Viper’s Video Quicktags Plugin works with WPMu

I stopped using Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin a while back when I started playing in earnest with WPMu. Reason being is that this plugin didn’t really work well with WPMu last year at this time, and Anarchy Media Player was, and still is in many regards, alternative media player of choice for WPMu. However, I saw some yet undisclosed things today via Andy “I am video” Rush using the Viper’s Quick tags’ FLV player that made me want to test this plugin once again for WPMu 1.3.3. So I did, and guess what it? It worked fine, it even gave the YouTube, Google, and FLV icons in the visual editor, which was a long-standing issue as far as I could tell from the forums. So, I don;t think we will be getting rid of the Anarchy media Player anytime soon, but we may just have that many more options for playing media on UWM Blogs, but not until Mr. Rush blogs his findings (c’mon Andy!).

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4 Responses to Viper’s Video Quicktags Plugin works with WPMu

  1. Andy Rush says:

    You can’t rush an artiste!

  2. Viper007Bond says:

    There’s a little tweaking needed usually to get the plugin to work with WPMU due to it usually being located in a different folder (mu-plugins), but yeah, it works fine.

    I plan on making it work outta the box though in v6.0.0.

  3. Reverend says:


    This is a great plugin, and i particularly like the possibilities it affords with the FLV player, as Andy Rush will be posting about in more detail. Your development on this plugin over the last year has be going so smoothly, and it is encouraging to know it will be continuing. Thanks for making publishing multimedia from a wide range of sites and personal files a cinch, it is a huge element of making the WP user interface simple, powerful and user-friendly for a wide range of folks.

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