We will be treating weeks 11 and 12 as a single unit, so there will be only one weekly summary due for the work over the next two weeks by Sunday 11/16 at 11:59 PM.
Wire Episodes
Season 3, episodes 11 & 12, Season 4, episode 1 (week 11)
Season 4, episodes 2, 3 & 4 (week 12)
Video Discussions
Week 11
Season 3, Episode 11: 7:30 PM, Tuesday, Nov 4th
Season 3, Episode 12: 7:30 PM, Thursday, Nov 6th
Season 4, Episode 1: 10:30 AM, Friday, Nov 7th
Week 12
Season 4, Episode 2: 7:30 PM, Tuesday, Nov 11th
Season 4, Episode 3: 7:30 PM, Thursday, Nov 12th
Season 4, Episode 4: 10:30 AM, Friday, Nov 13th
Sign-up here, and remember, we have only 3 more weeks after these, so be sure to get your video discussions scheduled.
Commentary Listen Along
For people who are interested in the episode commentaries, I scheduled commentaries for episodes 11 and 12 for Tuesday (11/4) and Wednesday (11/5) nights at 9 PM on ds106radio this week. You’ll be expected to tweet along with one of the two options using the #wire106 hashtag. If this is an issue let us know.
Video assignments: 16 stars
We’ve been looking at video all semester, and last week we started to dig in to putting videos together. Now it’s time to go all out with video storytelling.
Pay attention to Video the ds106 Way from http://ds106.us/open-course/
Also, we are going to do things a bit differently these next two weeks. Of those 16 stars we will be asking you to focus on two assignments in particular:
Swede an Episdoe from The Wire(4.5/5 stars):
Take any episdoe from The Wire and recreate it. Extra bonus points if you work together with other people from wire106 to create a more elaborate scene, and good practice for what’s to come.
The Wire Video Essay (5 stars)
Using the commentaries as a model. Do a close, in-depth commentary of one of the episodes. Rather than commenting on the episode in its entirety, choose specific scenes to discuss how they develop particular themes, reinforce an aesthetic, etc.
Final Projects
Pick a character from The Wire (first come, first serve) and develop a transmedia campaign. You can read more about the project here. To sign-up for a specific character (only one character per student) claim them in the comments of this post.
Daily creates: 2 each week
For My Final Project I will be using Kima Greegs.
my final project, I will be using Omar Little!
– I will be using McNulty
For my final project I plan to use Bubbles, and expand upon my work found here:
Stringer, i choose you.
For my final I am going to use Stringer Bell
I’ll use Omar Little!
Didn’t realize it was already taken. I’ll do McNulty
McNulty is taken too 🙁
Syd and Travis,
Carmella and David’s comments were moderated, that’s why you didn’t see them We can negotiate on this though. So if there aren;t other characters you want to do let me know.
Ok how about Frank Sobotka
Brilliant choice, vote for Sobotka!
I want Bunk please
Actually I will do Avon Barksdale
D’angelo please!
I want Lester please!
Jay Landsman is gonna be pissed at this decision 😉
Fine I’m changing it to Jay Landsman! XD
Everybody’s going for the big names. The secondary characters have lots of possibilities too. In fact, they probably give you more freedom simply because they’re not as defined.
I choose you, Ziggy!
Daniels please!
I’ll do Beatrice Russell!
brother mouzone!
WAIT no. I want to do Special Agent Terrence “Fitz” Fitzhugh from the FBI.
I want to do Prez!
I will do Rawls please!
Marlo or Cutty please
I’ll take Carver!!!
I would like Colvin please.
I would like Herc!
I would like to do Bodie Broadus (claimed it 11/4/2014 @ 9:21 p.m.)
I’ll take Prop Joe
How did 20 people get picked ahead of Prop Joe? That ain’t right.
I kno rite!
George “Double G” Glekas, please!
I’d like to do my project on Cheryl (Grigg’s girlfriend)
I’m claiming Chris Partlow