Cogdogroo is in the UMW Blogs House


While scanning UMW Blogs this morning, I came across the above blog post which I have to believe is referencing CogDogRoo’s Story Tools.  And while we push the Dog’s “50 Ways to Tell a Digital Story” like crack around UMW, what’s remarkable to me is that none of us here in DTLT talked with the folks in this particular course about Alan’ awesome resource, it just appeared, like magic—and the title says it all. The long tail of the CogDog is wagging it’s way all over the place, and here’s just another little bit of proof.

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3 Responses to Cogdogroo is in the UMW Blogs House

  1. Very cool, but also makes me scream, once again, “HEY! WHERE’S THE LINKS?!” I got really curmudgeonly about this here. I’d love it if the student included a link to both SCRAPBLOG and to cogdogroo. That would both let me, an outsider to the class, at least discover what I can of the context via links. And for everyone, the links would just be super helpful, and make the post itself much more relevant beyond the context of that course. Next semester, I really think we need to get on the faculty to encourage better linking practices.

    • Reverend says:

      I think this is where commenting on blogs to that effect may make a difference. I think the folks at UMW have to make a more concerted effort to read and comment more widely, if not sporadically. That will make a huge difference in those habits.

  2. Right on with that. hits two good blogging practices with one comment!

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