In 2010, a six year old Miles discovered the creepy twins from The Shining in a Northern Virginia pizza joint.
Almost 7 years later the twins have returned in the form a custom-made Shining t-shirt Antonella bought for me on my return home from Australia. And when I put it on things got even creepier. A 12 year old Miles is now behind the camera, and what he sees you can never unsee!
That’s one monumental t-shirt!
I watched the Shining again last month with a friend who had never seen it. It still holds up beyond well, IMHO, for how much fear it generates implicitly.
All server set up and no movie play makes Jim a dull boy.
All server set up and no movie play makes Jim a dull boy.
All server set up and no movie play makes Jim a dull boy.
All server set up and no movie play makes Jim a dull boy.
All server set up and no movie play makes Jim a dull boy.
That’s my life in a nutshell, just don’t tell Tim I said that 🙂 Actually, Tim, Lauren and Meredith are like W, tending to the work at hand in the Overlook Hotel while I am mindlessly typing away at my computer in my mountain villa designing pretty pieces of paper with that very slogan 🙂