Katie Martell on “Why Domains”

I got a note last week from Katie Martell, an Instructional Technologist at Plymouth State University (PSU), letting us know she would be leaving PSU. That’s a huge loss for PSU given Katie has been the engine behind running their Domain of One’s Own instance. She blew us away when she presented about their work at the Reclaim Roadshow in November at Skidmore. So much so that Lauren and I immediately followed up with a Reclaim Today episode to have Katie discuss the Why of Domain of One’s OwnIt’s well worth a watch to listen to Katie’s passion and enthusiasm about Domains if this is something you are interested in.


From what I understand Katie is heading down under soon, I know this because we were so impressed with her that we wanted to invite her as a featured speaker at Domains19, but the stars did not align given she will most likely be out of the country starting her new life adventures. Thanks Katie for all you have done with Domains at Plymouth, here’s to the open road that is life and all that it brings you! 

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