Back around Halloween Michael Branson Smith asked us to share our worst educational experience as part of his #ds106 course at CUNY’s York College. Despite the deep pain and horror my story still causes me, I decided to gut it out and share my Mrs. Lizardo story, it’s horrific but it needs to be shared because experiences like this are the very reason why our schools are failing us right now.
Watch the bava blog trailer!
is an ongoing conversation about media of all kinds ...
Generations from now, they won't call it the Internet anymore. They'll just say, "I logged on to the Jim Groom this morning.
-Joe McMahon
Everything Jim Groom touches is gold. He's like King Midas, but with the Internet.
-Serena Epstein
My understanding is that an essential requirement of the internet is to do whatever Jim Groom asks of you while you're online.
-James D. Calder
@jimgroom is the Billy Martin of edtech.
-Luke Waltzer
My 3yr old son is VERY intrigued by @jimgroom's avatar. "Is he a superhero?" "Well, yes, son, to many he is."
-Clint Lalonde
Jim Groom is a fiery man.
-Antonella Dalla Torre
“Reverend” Jim “The Bava” Groom, alias “Snake Pliskin” is a charlatan and a fraud, a self-confessed “used car salesman” clawing his way into the glamour of the education technology keynote circuit via the efforts of his oppressed minions at the University of Mary Washington’s DTLT and beyond. The monster behind educational time-sink ds106 and still recovering from his bid for hipster stardom with “Edupunk”, Jim spends his days using his dwindling credibility to sell cheap webhosting to gullible undergraduates and getting banned from YouTube for gross piracy.
I am Jim Groom
Find out more about me here.
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This got a huge laugh when MBS played it at our CUNY IT preso. Well done.
Lol, we also watched this in Prof. Smith’s ds106 afternoon class. We all got a good laugh. This is genius!
Mikhail and Shakira,
What’s funny is that I completely forgot I had done this until Michael tweeted it out again. I have to say it was pretty funny, and all the better given I forgot it.
I also remember there was another piece about going out to the weeds and smoking cigarettes, looking at nudey mags and kissing girls. But I now don’t even know if I said that anymore, or if I simply dreamed it. I am gonna go back to the weeds at Millburn school one of these days and do a video there.