Ray Harryhausen’s Animated Creatures in Chronological Order

Being a fan of Ray Harryhausen’s creature animations, the following tweet from WFMU was an immediate score.

What is coolest about this is there are at least two or three films referenced here I haven’t yet seen. I started doing a number of Ray Harryhausen animated gifs over the last year, so maybe my goal should be to do an animated gif of every creature Harryhausen ever animated in a film. I like that goal.

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8 Responses to Ray Harryhausen’s Animated Creatures in Chronological Order

  1. Probably the most watchable movie mashup ever made. I just went through it twice and will watch it again when I need another email break.

    I so miss this style of animation. Tim Burton thankfully has kept it alive over that past couple of decades. I just love how the character’s movements have a subtle “glide” in every motion. There’s something romantic about it, kind of like an old gauze filter to soften the features of leading women in the films of the golden age.

  2. Jim says:


    I couldn;t agree with you more, I have a longstanding love affair with Ray Harryhausen on bavatuesdays http://bavatuesdays.com/?s=Ray+Harryhausen

    What’s more, we are getting a maker bot in DTLT very soon, and I was hoping my first project would be making Harryhausen figurines. I know they have some available http://www.amazon.com/Ray-Harryhausen-COMPLETE-Pc-Figure/dp/B001AMZ9WQ But it might be even cooler to make a figurine of all these creatures with a Makerbot than doing an animated GIF—though animated GIFs are awesome.

  3. Brian says:

    Ray! Forwarding this one to a few friends.

  4. The maker bot figurines sounds amazing! Do you have to build CGI models first for the machine to print? Here’s a Medusa for $18 at TurboSquid.


  5. How awesome! Makes me want to reread that great Ray Bradbury story about a stop-motion animator.

  6. Reverend says:

    What story is that? I am intrigued because I believe Harryhausen and Bradbury were friends, and their careers almost precisely parallel in terms of time. Contemporaries of the bet kind. And, for some up non-sequitur reason your comment makes me think of Stephen King’s short story “The Jaunt.”

  7. “Tyrannosaurus Rex”.
    Is “The Jaunt” about a teleportation system glitch?

  8. Reverend says:

    Awesome, thanks for the title, I would have never guessed it otherwise, and yes, The Juant is about teleporting, and the classic line “”It’s longer than you think!” Truly a great, great short story, at least that’s how I remember it, and very much in the tradition of the best of Bradbury.

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