The Painful Politics of YouTube

Now, I understand Mike Huckabee is a conservative nut case and may possibly be the worst Republican candidate of an extremely bad pool. Nonetheless, his campaign strategy for YouTube show an unbelievable amount of pop culture savvy by playing on the general fascination with all things Chuck Norris (see the Chuck Norris Facts article on wikipedia for a comprehensive examination of this internet phenomenon). Looks like Chuck really can hurt us all in more ways than one. Sometimes bad guys where black!

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3 Responses to The Painful Politics of YouTube

  1. Yeah, Huckabee’s a funny guy. The Norris video is only one in a chain of comedy vids.

    Check out this one, where he compares supporting safe sex to supporting domestic violence:

    Fact: Funnier parodies of the Chuck Norris video shall follow. And that’s a good thing.

  2. jimgroom says:


    Bad link. I knew you videotaped Huckabee recently, I would love to see it. is it on YouTube? If not, it should be as a video response to the Norris video 🙂

  3. Sorry — let’s see if this link directly to brightcove works.

    If not, just google “Huckabee Safe Sex” and watch the magic.

    I agree though, Huckabee has parlayed a third-rate actor currently doing infomercials into a surprising strength, via cultural reference and a good script.

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