If you are using the extremely powerful and flexible WordTube plugin for WordPress, consider updating to the latest version (1.44). bavatuesdays was hacked through a critical backdoor in the code of version 1.33 which caused a little bit of concern for the humble proprietor. That being said, I’d like to thank Alex Rabe for fixing this issue so quickly, kick myself for not knowing about this fix sooner, and praise Elliot Kendall from Brandeis University, who drew my attention to the fact that bavatuesdays was spawning hellfire in the form of malicious code.
Read more about the security update for WordTube here.
Wow — that’s a little scary.
yikes. good thing I disabled/moved WordTube in my effort to streamline WordPress. When I need it, I’ll be sure to grab a fresh copy.
Yeah, it was a bit scary. First time I was violated, probably not the last. Though in all fairness it is my own fault for not following up on critical updates. I guess I learned my lesson -and I even had a current backup:) All’s well that ends well!
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