200 Documentaries You Must See Before You Die

Meeting and hanging out with Keene Haywood was one of the highlights of my time in Austin this past week, and what’s more it even paid film dividends. Keene turned me onto Kevin Kelley’s True Films 3.0 or, 200 documentaries you must see before you die. It’s an amazing list of films that serves as a great resource for anyone interested in going on a documentary tour de force. Looking over the list I think I may have seen close to a third of these films, but the ones I’ve seen attest to how much I want to see the other 2/3rds. Check it out here. I hope to come back to this over time and document the films I have seen and haven’t seen as a kind of curation of the list, but until then enjoy.

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3 Responses to 200 Documentaries You Must See Before You Die

  1. Jim — thank you for this! I am already looking for Century of the Self! This book should keep my occupied for some time to come.

  2. Grant says:

    I highly recommend Genghis Blues from this fantastic list – one of my fav docs of all time – and available for viewing in full at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Lr_27MkzA

  3. Reverend says:

    Isn;t this a mint list? We are gonna have to compare notes.

    Crazy enough, I happened on that documentary through netflix with Antonella a few years back an loved it. The whole idea of crazy throat music is too bizarre. Another crazy one on there is a documentary Brian Lamb recommended to me a few years back, and I still haven’t seen is on there: Project Grizzle


    I’m sure you have not only seen it, but lived it. But I want to get that one sometime this week. It has been too long, an I need some bears in my life.

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