Dave Lester did a fine job of compiling a long list of Universities that are using WPMu in one capacity or another. It’s a great list, and there are at least 40 institutions on there I had no idea about. Add to this list the work Mario Núñez-Molina did last year and add a few additions to his list and you may very well have over 100 institutions using this application. And as the recent comment on his post suggest from the University of Melbourne, there are probably a heck of a lot of international universities that are using this application that we have no idea about.
Now, Mario went above and beyond and made a slide show of screen shots for every install–I do love his fanaticism and I can completely relate 🙂 He just turned his diigo bookmarks tagged wpmu_university into a slide show, pretty cool.
Nice catch, Jim.
I blogged this at http://b2e.nitle.org, but b2e won’t let me link here (dunno why). So I ping you back thusly.
Hey Bryan,
Yeah, Dave Lester’s list is very impressive, I’m glad you put it out there. Tons of campuses are definitely experimenting with this, and the first WordCamp Ed in Dc may prove an important moment for the movment 🙂
As for the pingback, is it the blogging engine that is stopping you? Very strange, what happens when you try and ping me?
Yeah, it’s b2e that fights the Bava. I get a bad URL error.
It’s not just you. Randomly, it seems, other sites get it.
This won’t last.
Nothing can fight the Bava for long, I think I demonstrated that pretty emphatically recently 😉