Adding Ghost Config Variables in Reclaim Cloud

Tim Clarke is helping a faculty member get Ghost up and running on Reclaim Cloud, and has used Reclaim’s EdTech Discord channel to ask for clarification around Mailgun settings and environmental variables. Both of which I did not document fully in my Ghost series earlier this year. Tsk, tsk, Jimmy! What’s more, Taylor Jadin has showed me an easier way to add environment variables to Ghost since then, so I figured I would quickly document it. This below method allows you to add the Ghost site’s URL and/or Mailgun settings to the container without editing the config file on the server, this makes any updates easier to do.

His questions also helped me realize we do have all the necessary stats around open rates for our newsletter in Mailgun, but that data is not being recognized/shared with Roundup’s Ghost install, so will have to dig in a bit deeper. I am also quite glad Tim asked this question cause I was really happy to learn almost 60% of folks subscribed to the Roundup have at the very least opened it. Yeah!

N.B. – The variables option illustrated here works for a Ghost instance installed directly from Docker Hub on Reclaim Cloud. If you install Ghost within Docker Engine you no longer have the ability to add variables directly to the container’s Variables setting in Reclaim Cloud, you will need to edit them within Ghost at on the container at /var/lib/ghost/config.production.json and then reload the container being sure to give it some time to come back up.

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One Response to Adding Ghost Config Variables in Reclaim Cloud

  1. Reverend says:

    As a follow-up, here is a link to the post I reference in the video with all the variables to be added for URL and Mailgun:

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