Danny’s Wheels


I am still playing with John Johnston’s cartoon script command line kung-fu using scenes from The Shining. You can see yesterday’s Punch and Judy show here. Today I wanted to try and play with some of the scenes of Danny on his Big Wheel. Seems like it would be fun, and I found this scene when searching that reinforces the idea in the movie that Wendy and Danny do all the work despite Jack’s dissertation to the contrary:

This 1 minute scene starts with the title “One Month Later,” then moves to an establishing shot of the Overlook Hotel, and then cuts to Wendy pushing a breakfast cart (which will be brought up to Jack who is still in bed sleeping). The scene then cuts to a parallel shot of Danny riding around the hotel’s hallways. Danny and Wendy are up and doing their respective jobs, whereas Jack has still got his lazy ass in bed. What’s cool about this scene upon watching it more closely is the way both Wendy and Danny move through the Overlook on wheels. It’s kind of cartoonish with the vast interiors of the set. Anyway, I liked it so I can it a whirl.

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One Response to Danny’s Wheels

  1. Alan Levine says:

    So good- the cartoon effect enhances even more the echoy sound,

    I was intrigued by the camera angle, all Kubrick single point perspective. But we see Wendy from the front, side, then rear; Danny is viewed all from a rear perspective. One might suggest this indicates, as an adult, Wendy can see her past, present, a relatively short future, while Danny’s perspective is all looking to his future?

    Maybe looking too much into it, but I’ve always felt there is a deliberate intent to all camera positioning

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