I was just asked to submit an abstract for a presentation I may or may not give this Spring. I’m kind of enjoying being on hiatus from presenting, but I still get the itch 🙂  I jammed it out first thing this morning, and kind liked the marriage of agency, the Indieweb, and domains. I just need to work bot storytelling in there and it would be perfect 🙂
This presentation will explore the importance of providing students, faculty, and staff with an innovative, web-based platform for owning, managing and migrating the digital work they create over the course of their academic career. What’s more, this platform is not a proprietary, vendor-driven product, but an ecosystem of open source applications that are central to the critique and creation of their digital world. It’s the backbone for a broader, curricular-wide push for cross-disciplinary digital fluency. In essence, the platform undergirding the pioneering work of Domain of One’s Own at Mary Washington—and several other campuses across the U.S at this point—is, wait for it….the open web. More than a learning system or publishing platform, UMW Domains recognizes and codifies the importance of each and every learner on campus managing their own piece of the web. What’s more, through trailing edge technologies like commodity web hosting we can enable this for each individual at scale. The impact of the global information network on our campus community is not imagined or inferred, it is intentionally designed and cultivated. Welcome to the digital liberal arts, and the emergence of the Indieweb in higher ed. Can you grok the future?
Pingback: New blog post: "Digital Agency in the 21st Century" http://bavatuesdays.com/digital-agency-in-the-21st-century/ #umwdomains
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