Remixed Book Covers

I was browsing UMW Blogs yesterday when I cam across this post about a remixed book cover of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. The post is part of professor Gary Richards’s Contemporary American Fiction course blog, and the class happening to be reading The Road this week, and I watched the posts rush in. My interest was piqued because I am a fan of both the book and the movie, and it was fascinating to see all the responses to the novel—which ranged widely—as well as the resources students pulled in from the web, like this post’s inclusion of a video featuring UCLA professor Kenneth Lincoln comparing The Road to No Country for Old Men.

But back to the remixed book covers, I actually followed the link in the post to the original source which was an old post on Bookninja from 2008 which had a remixed book cover competition and several of the submissions were awesome. I’ll be including my favorites below, but as you might have guessed this would make an awesome #ds106 assignment—and I plan on submitting after I finish this post. But wouldn’t this also be an awesome design-inspired literature class assignment? I’m sure many have done it already, but how cool to remix the covers of at least 5 novels read over a semester as a way to frame an argument, add a written explanation of your thinking and voilà! This digital storytelling stuff can so easily go transdiscipline if we only tried. Anyway, here are the book covers, enjoy!

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5 Responses to Remixed Book Covers

  1. Todd Conaway says:

    Man, I know I placed you where the mighty Jim Morrison should have been, but messing with the Kennedy-Toole bible, now that is almost overstepping the ds106 line…

  2. Reverend says:


    There are no lines that #ds106 won’t overstep. Is everybody in? Is eveeeeeeeerybody in?!

  3. Ben says:

    I could handle all of the “beginner” puzzles in the Necronomicon, but didn’t make it too far into the “advanced” section…something about needing chicken blood to complete them didn’t go over so well.

  4. Reverend says:

    I love this assignment, still have to add it to the ds106 assignment repository. I need to remember this.

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