Here is a cool thing I discovered recently, and please forgive me if it is already common knowledge. There is a little hack for getting RSS feeds for tags on YouTube, and it goes like this: (where randomtag is the tag you want to aggregate)
Here are two examples of this tag-based feed. Andy Rush has put together some very cool screencasts for UMW Blogs which are appropriately tagged umwblogs. So, when you include in some kind of an RSS reader or aggregator you get the following:
Username as a Tag
What’s more, if you want to aggregate by a user on YouTube, you can just substitute their account username for a tag (seems that YouTube treats the username as a tag). For example, will bring the latest videos from my account.
Ah! I finally found you! As a willing captive of Dr. Foss’ Brit Lit Since 1800 class, I have you to thank for the Wiki thingy I’m learning to do. It looks like it’s going to be fun–even if I do type with three fingers. :o)
So you are lucky enough to be taking a class with the inimitable Chris Foss, also known as “Hot Sauce.” He rules. And while I may be partly to blame for the wiki, like Frankenstein that monster has moved far beyond and simple ideas of ownership and responsibility on anyone mortal’s part. Last I heard, it is being hosted somewhere in the jungles of South America, having found its mate 🙂
Here is another string for YouTube RSS feed URLs.
Replace the word “yoursearchquery” with whatever you’re searching (even two words combination with the space).