Some Plugin Bugs in WP 3.0 on UMW Blogs

  • Sitewide Comment Tracking Revisited: I’ve had to deactivate a personal favorite plugin “Sitewide Comment Tracking Revisited” (my-comments.php) by dsader. A plugin that allowed you to track all your comments across the install from the comments field. Deleted it from the mu-plugins folder because it was causing ugly PHP errors when folks tried to comment on any blog. And while I’d like to look into an updated version, it’s nowhere to be found thanks to the vampires at wpmudev PREMIUM.
  • Akismet: Another small bug I had was with Akismet. I keep akismet.php in the mu-plugins directory, as a result I hadn’t upgraded that plugin for a little bit—which in turn caused some issues with php error messages when people tried to comment. So a small tip to anyone doing this: upgrade Akismet to latest version ASAP if you keep it in mu-plugins and are using WP 3.0.
  • Role Scoper: Got rid of it, no one really used it, and while I liked it for one project we are working on, overall it is ugly, runs very slow, and there seemed to be some compatibility issues with 3.0.

That’s it for now, but I am sure there will be many more 🙂 I’ll try and update this post with them as a running tally.


  • Google XML Sitemaps: This one’s a no-go. From the WP repository page for this plugin:

    This latest release is not compatible with the new multisite feature of WordPress 3.0 yet. The plugin will remain inactive as long as this feature is enabled.

  • Advanced Category Excluder: This is a definite no-no, and it gets rid of all your pages. I’d deactivate this until there is an upgrade. We learned this thanks to the great LibGuides blog work of Paul Boger.
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9 Responses to Some Plugin Bugs in WP 3.0 on UMW Blogs

  1. miklb says:

    For your XML Sitemap needs, try this one works smashingly with 3.0 and multi-site in my experience.

  2. Reverend says:

    Excellent, I’ll try that out and see how it works. Appreciate it.

  3. Joe says:

    Thanks, Jim–I had already removed Role Scoper, but didn’t yet test ACE (which we did use from time to time last year). That sounds like a bad bug, so we’ll wait for an upgrade on that.

  4. David says:

    Sitewide Comments Revisited is still working on my site, never burped up php errors. Curious what errors you had with it.

    I linked a fresh copy of what I have installed at this moment.

    I have been dreaming about a userthemes->child themes creator, but haven’t got anything to share and may not, sorry. I need to master manually making child themes from the variety of themes that are my favs, first.

  5. Reverend says:


    Thanks for the fresh copy of comment tracking, it is one of my favorites. In fact almost all your plugins are some of my favorites. it seemed back in the day, when I was dreaming of something you were developing it, and that rules. Let me test out My Comments on UMW Blogs, and see if it isn;t working, or if there is some other plugin running interference.

    As for Userthemes, you know how I feel about that plugin…yes please.

  6. AJ Williams says:

    Hi! I saw this over the weekend and couldn’t respond until now and I see that David already has.

    We are using his updated My Comments plugin with no errors here. Only plugin I had to remove after upgrade was his Menus (ds_wp3_menus.php) as it caused problems with our avatars and users other than Administrators to be able to Export or Import sites and we thought that was pretty important. Not sure what was going on there and when things slow down, I will revisit and see what I can see!

  7. David says:

    I’ve hosted the plugin at wordpress now and tinkered with it again:

  8. Pingback: Preparing for the Jump to WordPress 3 Multisite for OEIT | Brandon Muramatsu

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