The bava clip show

Martin Weller will be happy to know I am officially seeking therapy after watching the bava clipshow he put together over on The Ed Techie. What can I say? I mean this video is not only a Jim Groom film fest—which makes it inherently awesome—but also points to why this whole things is a relationship around crazy ideas and sharing everything you know and love. And who better to point that out so playfully and intelligently than Martin? EdTech is purely an excuse for blogging, blogging is a mode of being in the world that is unique and absolutely beautiful. For those about to blog [Fire!] we salute you!

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11 Responses to The bava clip show

  1. Barbara says:

    Was there a birthday? Did I miss it? No matter, every day is Bava Day.

    …and we ALL need therapy


  2. Tom says:

    Love the soundtrack. So very fitting.

    What’s interesting to me is the art you inspire in others. You’re almost like a compelling character that people are compelled to feature in their own work.

    I’m not sure what that means.

  3. Reverend says:

    Amen to that, sister! And no birthday, more like a cumulative explosion of time measured through blog posts.

    What continues to amaze me is how much of your art has framed the whole thing. It as if your aesthetic is fueling the Jim Morrison like aura that I have been riding straight to a bath tub in Paris, France. You’re like Jacques-Louis David:

  4. Barbara says:

    Wait wait, the next Bava video will feature the Rev nekkid in a bathtub rolling through the streets of Paris?

    Dude, I want your travel budget 🙂


  5. Reverend says:


    Yes, but not totally naked, I will have my Yankee cap on 🙂

  6. Tom says:

    So that makes you a French Revolutionary with itchy skin?


    A drug addled expatriate rock star hell bent on self destruction?


    (and my favorite) A itchy skinned revolutionary with a penchant for nudity who plans to destroy the world.

  7. Tom says:

    I agree. How is that even possible? You know the substantialness to the most, true and have you all the diverse angel angles. All your posts produce me to look at it.

    I must agree with cremona novice. CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN IT UP!
    but end the Lady Gaga.

  8. Tom says:

    You’ll always be my lady gaga but my comments now lack context without their spammy roots.

    • Reverend says:

      Fucking Akismet has been sucking for me. I had over 10 spams comments over the past week, that’s ridiculous—so much for them having enough users to be effective. They can suck it 🙂

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