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One more from the Nicecast Archive before I move on to another topic. I don’t think I actually posted the audio to the ds106 radio bitch session Martha Burtis, Alan Levine, Steve Greenlaw, and I did back in week 6 of the class (February 15th to be exact) from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative conference. This was a pretty amazing session of ds106, and mainly because the entire class was treated like a live call-in talk radio show wherein the UMW ds106 students called in and bitched about the class. I couldn’t be at UMW for the class that night because I was presenting at ELI in Washington, DC, so we had the idea of doing the class remotely as a call-in radio show wherein we take the pulse of the class and basically get a sense of how things are going. Stuff like are the comfortable with the class thus far? —what things could be better? —what sucks about the class? etc. Here is how I wrote it up:
The topic will be “Bitch about ds106? and it is where I take live callers—and tweeters—concerns, ideas, and general impressions about ds106 thus far. I’ll ask you to consider what’s working, what’s not, what do you like, what should we kill, keep, etc. It’s no holds barred radio. I have done this every semester so far at about week 6, and doing it via the radio station is not only expedient, but could be very fun. I expect you all to play along. [Full post here.]
As I said above, I’ve done this every semester of ds106 thus far as a way to recognize this class is unconventional and I need their feedback while it is unfolding in order to make it better, and hopefully make those who are freaking out more comfortable. In general this is good practice when you are doing something as experimental as ds106, what’s more—students have more than a little feedback to give you if you just ask. They know what they want from a class, even if it is hard for me to hear it sometimes. Anyway, a little more gold from the archives of ds106radio—and Alan Levine also posted about this session on the ever great CogDogBlog, and he even did it in a timely fashion….bastard!
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