The ds106 99: #45 Mike Watt + The Missing Men Live on #ds106radio

On Saturday night Noise Professor went to see Mike Watt + The Missing Men play the last leg of their Hyphenated-Man Tour at the Blue Lamp Lounge in Sacramento. And you know what I kinda felt like I was there, even though I was sitting in my den here in Civil War Land on the other side of the country.How is that/ Well, because the mad professor streamed the whole concert through his phone to ds106 Radio, and I used Audio Hijack to record that live stream. Just a little friendly collaboration on the web. It was an amazing concert, and what’s more it was remarkably clear broadcast via a cell phone–who sick is that? Anyway, this almost seems quotidian on ds106 Radio these days, and I think that is why it is such an amazing thing we have set in motion.

Here is the recording, there is a little Iggy Pop doing “Repo Man” before the show starts, and you will here the anticipation of the crowd for a few minutes before it gets going, but when it gets going look out. They performed The Third Opera for the entire first set, then did an encore with some classics—great stuff. And here it is, courtesy of the great Noise Professor and ds106radio.

Mike Watt + The Missing Men at the Blue Lounge (4/30/11)

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6 Responses to The ds106 99: #45 Mike Watt + The Missing Men Live on #ds106radio

  1. You can read the tour diary here:

    Thanks for recording this! One of the best shows I’ve been to.

  2. Reverend says:

    Noise Professor,

    Watt is quite the blogger, and regular! Interesting how he mentions the “yammerin” in his diary. I too was like WTF whena couple of dudes wouldn’t stop yelling at him between sets. What’s great is we have the whole thing on tape šŸ˜‰

  3. If you listen to the banter between the main set and the encore, he does a little gentle scolding – He’s gently scolded yammerers every time I’ve seen him! I love that he blogs – it’s great to hear about the gigs before, and sometimes the other musicians participate in the tour diary thing. He’ll be back in Sac in two weeks, but I’ll be at NV11 instead!

  4. Michael D says:

    Same thing in Lawrence, KS. I don’t think people expected the dynamics (Has to be the first time I ever saw Watt whisper-quiet during a song) or understood that this is a whole piece, not a grab bag 30 song set. I got close to the stage where the yammerers weren’t so bothersome since they are always at the back somewhere, looking cool and scamming chicks, I suppose. There are several live recordings of the opera on Internet too. This one would be a good addition, even though there is too much dead time before the concert starts.

  5. I have an edited version, minus the dead air, and with a little EQ. I’ll see if I can finish it up and get it posted.

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