Monthly Archives: August 2017

Give it Up for Let’s Encrypt

As I awake from my relative blog slumber this Summer, there are a couple of things (actually a lot of things) I’ve been meaning to blog about. (And luckily I even have a new soundtrack to blog by now thanks … Continue reading

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Come and Play with Us, Danny Revisited

In 2010, a six year old Miles discovered the creepy twins from The Shining in a Northern Virginia pizza joint. Almost 7 years later the twins have returned in the form a custom-made Shining t-shirt Antonella bought for me on my … Continue reading

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bava 3003

There are some benefits to being a long distance blogger, namely tracking your thinking over time and racking up posts. A couple of weeks ago I published by 3000th blog post. I didn’t realize that until today, but it’s a … Continue reading

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Reaction Time is a Factor

I was playing with our video camera earlier this summer showing Miles how to use the tripod, shoot with various lenses, framing, etc. Nothing groundbreaking, but it’s always fun to play with video. Anyway, for some reason I decided to … Continue reading

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Retiring Bad Brains

While I am blogging about servers, we recently retired Reclaim’s very first institutional Domain of One’s Own server: Bad Brains. It had been a workhorse with more that 3 years of service and over 1400 cPanel accounts. It holds a … Continue reading

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Podcast Generator

After being asked by a friend about podcast options on Reclaim, I started playing with the podcasting tool Podcast Generator. I heard about it thanks to this thread by Tim Klapdor on the Reclaim Hosting Community Forums. It’s a really … Continue reading

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Academy Fight Songs Sung by Rebel Grrrls

We’ve been hard at work at Reclaim Hosting getting ready for the Fall 2017 semester, and it is officially upon us.  We have setup and rolled out two new shared web hosting servers last week in honor of two groundbreaking … Continue reading

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Building Capacity at Reclaim

It's taken me 2+ years, but I've finally beat my bosses on this list. ? — Lauren Hanks (@brumface) August 8, 2017 Yesterday Lauren tweeted that she has taken control of the coveted top spot on the Reclaim Hosting support … Continue reading

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