Last week’s bavaweekly was a bit delayed given how jam-packed last week was. Between heading to Vicenza to pick up a few video game cabinets and then catching up from taking Tuesday off things snowballed and I was not able to record the weekly until Sunday—5 days after originally planned. Given that, this one has a bit more packed in it that usual, and I spent much of this week blogging everything a reported on in this video, so I waited on pushing this out until I had blogged the various projects I mention, such as experimenting with WordPress Multi-Region, updating ds106radio, a talk on “What was Eduglu,” as well as some bavacade new acquistions and a couple of successful game repairs.
It was also cool to see Chris Lott blogging again—did he ever stop? I shouted him out in this weekly given he attended the “What was Eduglu” session organized by the awesome Todd Conaway as part of his push to get small with Unviersity of Washington faculty and reinforce the power of focused, community driven teaching and learning. The wisdom in that approach is real!×6-0-back-on-the-horse/
I could do a full re-cap, but I am gonna keep this write-up a bit lean given I blogged the highlights at length over the past week, so if you are glutton for punishment you can find more in the various links above. I travel to Fred Vegas tomorrow, so going to try and do another bavaweekly to catch up a bit and get try and return to a weekly schedule.
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