This comes from the not perfect department. I had problems making the background of my minimalist travel poster design assignment cleanly mesh with the text I covered up and the new text I added. The background is not one consistent color, and I couldn’t get a swath big enough to fake it well. I tried playing with the blur tool to no real avail. I would love some advice from folks who know Photoshop how I might make it look better.
The reference in this poster may be a bit obscure, but I couldn’t help but be reminded of Johnny Rambo in the mountains of Hope when I saw the original here. As you can see I simply changed the titles and the context, but this is a work in progress. I’ll hopefully be putting out another, cleaner version soon.
Take a look at the magic brush tool. You option click an area to the side as a source, and use it to paint over a different part of the image- I find it very useful for removing things I want to put something over, or just even taking someone out of a photo.
Thanks Dog, I will be trying that out tonight. I saved the psd file just for this reason, so we’ll see if I can;t make this look better. I know I can, I just suck at Photoshop—but I plan to change that.
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