Tales from the Teaching Crypt: Education After Online

Image Credit: Grover Saunders made this Animated GIF during the presentation with Echograph (neat!)

Last week I had the distinct pleasure of attending James Madison University’s 9th Annual Teaching and Learning with Technology conference (you can find the video here). JMU has quite an instructional technology group, and continues to prove just how robust Virginia’s statewide expertise is in this realm. The EdTech group at JMU is doing some really impressive work across campus—the conference schedule certainly points to this— and I’m hoping some of their awesome work makes its way to Virginia’s Digital Learning Resources conference at UMW this coming March.

This presentation was one of my favorites in a long while, it was free wheeling as most are but it also focused more specifically on the questions of universities outsourcing their expertise, how to design for online education, and building a community online using animated GIFs 🙂 The theme of the presentation was the overstatement of the death of higher ed in the media currently and how we can start to shed some of the reactionary rhetoric and start returning teaching and learning innovation to the colleges and universities rather than corporations like Pearson. I cite Andy Rush’s awesome A Culture of Innovation video, and also frame the Domain of One’s Own project at UMW as a cultural evolution from UMW Blogs and ds106. I’ve intentionally been doing far fewer presentations that are much closer to home, and what has struck me as of late is that I have continually built upon an existing narrative of what UMW’s DTLT has been working on for almost seven years now. And each new project and idea becomes another piece to a larger philosophy of open, accessible, and engaged education mediated through the web. It’s been a real pleasure watching these various, and at times seemingly dislocated, ideas bloom into a full blown philosophy from which UMW’s DTLT operates.

One correction in the talk: I state EC ComicsTales from the Crypt was published during the 50s and 60s which is wrong, it was published from 1950-1955. My bad.

Also, here are the slides with links:

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3 Responses to Tales from the Teaching Crypt: Education After Online

  1. Brian says:

    Tried to look at your slides, all I see is the title screen.

  2. Reverend says:

    Sorry dude, I changed the size and it didn’t take right. You must be the only person checking this stuff 🙂 Should be fixed now, my bad.

  3. Brian says:

    Last week was crazy, so will only be able to listen to the MP3 of Zombies, Pirates and Copyright tonight on the drive home through Chickenscratch Flats. Hope Harry likes as much I will…

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