Rise of the Machines

I’ve been pretty resistant to the idea of AI in edtech and beyond, and part of why was epitomized in a recent email I received from a self-acclaimed “cyberpunk anti-hero from the future” that underlines the cash-in zeitgeist that repels me. Perhaps I’m just showing a bit of my age in the field, I mean I did have fun with Michael Branson Smith’s AI Levine project, and it’s pretty clear AI colonized our imaginations long before the present gold rush, but the speed at which it has already arrived at inevitable is a bit frightening.

And it’s because of that fear, engulfed in a rank stench of opportunism, that I have kept most of it at Michael Bay thus far. I haven’t blogged about it (until now). I haven’t played with ChatGPT, Mid-journey, DALL-E, or other tools like them beyond a cursory fashion, and I acknowledge my limits, but there’s a deep sense of dread that accompanies offloading pleasures like blogging or taking images to the machines. There are also people I deeply respect that have begun to dig in, and I’m glad they’re bringing a practical, thoughtful voice to the discussion. In fact, part of me feels like I should too, but it’s difficult to shake the sense of déjà vu watching the tech lizard people emerge from the swamp to slither towards the territories—the pioneering spirit attracts as many hucksters as it does explorers.

But the other part of me feels this territory might be better left untouched, I mean most historical “discoveries” of “unclaimed” lands have been euphemistic expressions of exploitation and extraction? In fact, you don’t need to go back to the 15th or 16th centuries, just think back 20 years to the rise of social networks and the unimaginable scale and speed in which they rose to the level of nation-states. And then there’s the economic side wherein the wealth of those behind the tech-gilded age dwarves that of many countries. This more recent history is what makes the rise of the machines that much more dire given we seem entirely comfortable abandoning any remaining trace of humanity in the process, it’s a whole new twist on the colonizing trick.

I don’t want to be a nay sayer, but I can’t shake that sense of dread that has nothing to do with the pedestrian concerns around plagiarism—rather it seems the very fabric of how we currently understand reality is at stake. And perhaps that’s where I’m long in the tooth, many folks mid to late career in the 90s probably felt the same way  about the web. But maybe not all of them were wrong? I guess it’s time to dig deep and channel some Beckett: “I can’t go on, I’ll go on.”

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Mail Suppression

No, the other mail suppression! You see, if I was a better blogger and a funnier person I would write extended similes like Martin Weller in his “Your social media choices, as 70s disco tracks,” making him the undisputed John Milton of edtech analogies, but alas this is a b-blog.

This is yet another niche post that will hopefully remind me of how I’m running my infrastructure once I inevitably forget everything. Namely, I’m forwarding my  @reclaimhosting.com email so that I can send from multiple emails domains from my main Gmail account. The issue was a colleague was not receiving any of my emails on the reclaimhosting.com address, but could from my gmail.com. I found time to start tracking the issue down, and realized I was running the forward for my reclaimhosting.com email through Mailgun and there were quite a few more send failures for that domain than the rest.

There were 9 “suppressed” messages over the last month, and after looking in the Suppressions tab all of the recent occasions are to this one user. Seems like Mailgun started suppressing this address given an issue that is still not clear to me. Luckily it was an easy fix, I could delete the suppressions and emails starting working again, but this is not something I would have known about if I hadn’t discovered it while poking around. Email troubleshooting still haunts me.

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Good Vibrations for MU Migrations

I just used 10up’s MU Migration plugin to pull the Daily Create (daily.ds106.us) out of the ds106.us multisite, and it was really impressive. You can install MU Migration as a plugin, but also as a package that uses the WP-CLI to make migrations, and it is pretty amazing. It will pull individual subsites out of a WordPress Multisite instance, that can then be imported into a stand-alone WordPress. Or,  going the other way, you can use it to import a stand-alone WordPress instance into a Multisite. It is impressive, especially after the touch and go nature of import/export plugins like All-in-One Migration and Updraft that tend to leave a lot of holes that needed to be plugged.

So, a command like the following (daily.ds106.us had the site id of 10) will pull that sites users, active plugins, active theme, and all database details into a zip file call dailcreate.zip:

wp mu-migration export all dailycreate.zip --blog_id=10 --plugins --themes --uploads

From there you would copy the zip file into the directory were your new install lives, and then make sure MU Migration is working on the site. After that you run the following command to migrate the entire blog (including media, users, themes, plugins, etc.):

wp mu-migration import all dailycreate.zip

The only snag I ran up against was the Daily Blank theme was active on the Daily Create site, but it depends on the parent theme WordPress Bootstrap. Seems like MU-Migration has no way to detect this, so I needed to install Bootstrap as well. Once I did so the entire migration of over 1 GB of media was done in seconds. While this definitely falls under the niche WordPress topic post, if you spend your time like we do at Reclaim Hosting migrating WordPress sites, then this is a definite must for the plugin toolbox.

Posted in plugins, WordPress, wordpress multi-user | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Preparing for ReclaimPress

I’m pretty excited because one of the things I’ve been looking forward to for several months now, is testing and documenting ReclaimPress, which will be Reclaim Hosting’s latest product. In short, ReclaimPress offers performant, high-available WordPress hosting for when you outgrow shared hosting, and/or have a mission critical, enterprise-level instance that cannot be a fiat of the shared hosting fate. It is run on the same infrastructure as Reclaim Cloud, but for several reasons we are spinning it up in as a separate, stand-alone cluster.

This new cluster will start with 3 regions (US East, US West, and Canada) and just this morning we pointed DNS, so the service could be ready for testing and customizing as soon as early next. I’m planning on documenting what I learn here on the bava, with the idea that much of that can be repurposed (after heavy editing 🙂 ) as documentation once ReclaimPress is ready for primetime.

In anticipation of digging in, Taylor Jadin and I jumped on a stream and talked a bit about the service, why we are excited about it, and some of the features you can expect. We kept the stream to a managable 30 minutes, so if you are interested give it a spin!

Posted in reclaim, Streaming, Uncategorized, WordPress, YouTube | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

August Community Chat: Reclaim Social Networks

For Reclaim Hosting’s August Community Chat we had the good fortune of being joined by Bonnie Russell of Michigan State University’s MESH Research Lab to talk with us about the work she is part of to think more broadly about using federated networks that leverage ActivityPub, amongst other syndication protocols, to continue to build community for the Humanities Commons. The work this group has been doing with the Mastodon fork Hometown over at hcommons.social underscores both the need and demand for alternative, federated social spaces for academic communities. Bonnie eloquently captures the expansive thinking this group is doing to design academic commons for the age of federation, and it’s truly some of the most exciting work happening since mother blogs 🙂 You can see her slides here, but I highly recommend taking the time to listen to her very succinct overview during the first 10-15 minutes of the above video.

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More Notes on ds106 Clean-Up

I think the worst of the ds106 hack is behind us, and thanks to Wordfence managing most of the heavy lifting it was not all that bad in the end. Now I’m just going through and pretty ruthlessly removing plugins and themes that are outdated, removing users, and seeing where old PHP code that never made the jump from 7.X. to 8.X can be cleaned up or removed. I enlisted Tom Woodward for the PHP clean-up in a few themes and plugins, and I also paid for an updated version of the Toolset Types plugin, which drives the Assignment Bank -it was the easiest short term solution until we can figure out a way to replicate that functionality without a premium plugin. As mentioned in my last post on the hack, I also bit the bullet and purchased the latest version of the premium theme Salutation so that it was also PHP 8 compliant.

At this point I think we’re in a pretty good shape. The only issue after the clean-up has been a result of my zeal to remove plugins and themes. I deleted the 960bc theme Tom had already cleaned up (oops!) as well as the Daily Blank theme that’s driving the Daily Create. I restored a version of that theme that still had some left over cruft, so finally did what I should have done in the first place: download a clean copy of the Daily Blank from Github.

My idea is to try using the MU Migration plugin I’ve heard great things about from Charles Fulton to pull the Daily Create out of the ds106.us multisite into its own instance. That’s currently the most active of the sites, and exploding some of these sites from the multisite at this point will make it easier for me to work through a full blown flat-file archive/migration of the main ds106 syndication site that has almost 100,000 posts. So, the upside of all this is it provides a great excuse for a bit of experimentation with a new migration tool as well as some more archiving in the vein of UMW Blogs.

Speaking of experimentation, the whole reason I was playing with ds106.us that ultimately led to the discovery of the hack was to test out the WP Offload Media plugin I am running on this blog. It’s up and running on ds106.us as well, and serving media for the main ds106.us site as well as the assignment bank without any issues. The other test was to see if it works cleanly with a mapped domain, and this led to getting the Camp Magic MacGuffin domain re-mapped. Mapping a domain on a WordPress Multisite that’s running in Reclaim Cloud (where ds106 lives) is pretty easy, we even have documentation for it. The one thing I had to do was add the following line to the wp-config file given I was having cookie issues when logging into the admin of https://magicmacguffin.info/ :

define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false);

Adding the above line in wp-config.php solved the login issues, and Camp Magic MacGuffin is once again mapped, so I can now further test how media that is offloaded to S3 works on a mapped domain.

While all the media in the media library has been offloaded to S3, I have not removed the local media given I’m not a very trusting person when it comes to losing files. That said, I did notice that existing files are still loading over the subdomain macguffin.ds106.us rather than being pushed to the domain alias on S3: files.ds106.us. I could do a rewrite in the database to ensure they load over files.ds106.us, but it’s odd given the assignments.ds106.us subdomain does push all images to files.ds106.us automatically. This is something I’m going to have to test more, but good to know that all the media files are in S3, and I can find and replace if I have to. But I do want to understand why they don’t automatically switch on this mapped domain site.

So, I guess we are far enough through the hack that I can get back to some experimentation, that eventually, will lead to another hack 🙂

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ds106 Hacked and WordFence to the Rescue

If you have used WordPress for any length of time, chances are you’ve gotten hacked at least once or twice. That certainly has been my experience, and it never helps when you let old plugins and themes sit around for a while and stink up the fridge. In fact, before I went on vacation over two weeks ago I realized ds106.us was down, and that was the clue that the site had been hacked. We have rapid response scripts to lock sites down when this happens and change passwords and cordon off everything so that we can work through cleaning up any remnants. There were malicious scripts left-over in several of the theme and plugin files that I manually cleaned up, but after doing some work on ds106.us with the WP offload Media plugin, I discovered that the hack had left scripts in almost all of the nearly 100,000 posts in ds106.us archive.

Not fun, and the worst part was I discovered this while on vacation and the Reclaim Hosting crew had their hands full with a more pressing issue. When Chris suggested Wordfence as a way to get me out of Slack, I knew he was right and decided to reach out to see if they would/could clean it up given the scope. I’m glad I did because not only did I get a sense of what Wordfence can and cannot do as part of the Wordfence Care offering, but also because Gert—who works with Wordfence and was my point of contact— was amazing. Like pretty much everyone, I love good customer service. In fact, Reclaim Hosting was built on a foundation of responsive support, so it was really nice to work with a company that also values a great support experience. I mean Wordfence have become synonymous with WordPress security for years now, they’ve built an amazing niche for themselves. Even more remarkable, is despite their growth and obvious success they’ve maintained such a high-level of support for the one-off user like myself. Major kudos to those running that ship given I have some idea how hard that balance can be.

So, a couple of things I knew would be issues that Wordfence confirmed, and one I didn’t:

  • Site running PHP 7.3 is a no-go
  • Can’t have old WordPress core files anywhere on server
  • A WordPress Multisites with more than 5 sites cannot be part of the Wordfence Care product I signed-up for

Points one and two were not a surprise, and I bit the bullet and bought the recent version of the Salutations’s Paralellus theme from ThemeForest so that I could get the site running cleanly on PHP 8. Removing the tmp folder with old core files was not an issue given it was only there when we were replacing core files after the original hack. The third point was not one I expected, but given the implications of cleaning a huge WordPress Multisite, it should not be all that surprising.

Luckily, ds106 only has about 9 sub-sites, so I temporarily “archived” (archive is the term WordPress uses for making them inaccessible to the web) a few that were tests or not in regular use. There are two sites I archived—namely the original Daily Create and the Re-Mixer—that I want to bring back online here shortly, but first I need to figure out what other sites might be a good candidate for flat-file archiving. After taking four sites offline I asked Gert if that would allow us to continue on the Wordfence Care package for the next year, and luckily it did! After that, they went ahead with the scan and clean-up of any and all offending malicious scripts. Whew!

The clean-up took several hours given the size of the database, and I’m still waiting on the post-mortem given this was all done over the weekend on Saturday and Sunday!—did I mention I love Wordfence? As of now all the offending scripts have been removed and I’ve been going through and removing out-dated plugins and themes in an attempt to avoid any re-occurrence. That said, I’m happy to remain on the Wordfence Care plan for another year to ensure all is good. Part of this is because I have an idea for a new ds106 course and you can’t start something new until the existing infrastructure is solid. Not to mention it just makes good sense to continue the clean-up and archiving of large parts of this site to future-proof its survival. I think that was the big take-away from the UMW Blogs archival project, and it’s work we should continue to push on.

It might be worth noting the thing that tipped me off there were still hacked files was browsing ds106.us on the phone, something I normally would never do. But given I was on a vacation from my problems (well, not really in the end!),  I had been testing the WP Offload Media plugin for ds106.us using the phone. When clicking a link on the site via mobile a new tab gets created that opens a crypto spam site, but this happens only on mobile devices. So it was hard to find, and probably impacted next to no one given the site is fairly dormant, that said this aggression will not stand, and hence Wordfence did the sweep and things are cleaner than a fresh “Hello World!” site.

There’s still a PHP conflict on assignments.ds106.us that needs to be resolved, and not able to get the wp-cli to play nicely to find and replace some strings to ensure all older embedded Youtube videos play, but if those are the worst of my problems right now then we’re on easy street!

Something else that might be worth noting is that ds106.us is hosted on Reclaim Cloud, which made giving Wordfence access to a single container in a clean way separate from my other environments pretty easy. We can use the collaborator tool for this, and I have to say it made giving server-level access to a container that much cleaner. That said, Wordfeence also needed a user with SSH access beyond the built-in web interface SSH client, which is possible if they share a public key. The one issue we hit is when someone shares a public key and we try and use the SSH Gate created by Reclaim Cloud there can be issues when connecting server-to-server. Taylor suggested adding the public key directly to the server environment (so not through the SSH key interface in Reclaim Cloud) and then using ssh user@ipaddress to access once the public key was added, which worked perfectly. Gert was patient with me while we worked through this, and this is very good to know for any future issues we may have. because, let’s face it, when using WordPress you’re a big target on the web in this day and age. And while preventative security is crucial, hacks will happen and response-time and effective clean-up services are increasingly becoming necessities when you host your site using WordPress.

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Notes on WP Offload Media

At Reclaim Hosting we’ve been exploring plugins for offloading media from larger WordPress instances to object storage such as AWS’s S3 or Digital Ocean’s Spaces. There are a lot of good reasons to do this:

  • First and foremost, we want to save space on Reclaim Cloud servers given a big WordPress Multisite can eat up a ton of space on uploads alone, and that’s less than optimal given those servers are dedicated with fixed storage for optimal performance.
  • If we have to migrate a larger WordPress site, having the files in cloud-based object storage makes that process quicker and easier given no media files need to be moved
  • Offloading WordPress media helps ensure there are no issues serving media for a multi-region setup that is distributing traffic across several servers
  • And, ideally, it is faster given you should be able to server the media through a content. delivery network (CDN) like Cloudflare that stores/caches media across its vast network making assets quicker to load

So, with the why out of the way, the next question is the what? As usual, I am using this, the  bav.blog, as the initial test run for a single WordPress instance. I’ll be offloading the 10GB of media in the uploads folder on this blog to AWS’s S3. Simulataneously, I’m using ds106 as a test for a small-to-decent sized WordPress Multisite instance to offload media as well, so this is a two-pronged test.

Now to the most interesting question, how? I did some ‘research,’ and WP Offload Media plugin seems to be the most fully-featured option available. For our purposes we are using the Pro version given we need many of the advanced features and plan on rolling this out more broadly for some of our bigger WordPress sites.

Screenshot of the WP Offload Media Interface

WP Offload Media Plugin Interface

It has integrated tools to help you setup your storage across several S3 service provides, including AWS, Digital Ocean and Google. This is where you instructed how to add your S3 keys, define the bucket, and control the security settings for the bucket.

Screenshot of Storage Provider interface for WP OPffload Media

Storage Provider interface for WP OPffload Media

One important thing you need to do if you want the S3 files served over a domain alias is to make sure to name the bucket the same as the alias domain you want to serve files over. For example, for bavatuesdays the files will be served over files.bavatuesdays.com so that is also the name of the S3 bucket files.bavatuesdays.com:

Screenshot of WP Offload Media Bucket Interface

WP Offload Media Bucket Interface

Screenshot of WP Offload Media Security Interface

WP Offload Media Security Interface

Once your bucket is connected, you can then use the tools available to offload your media to the new storage provider. I found this step took quite a while for bavatuesdays. I had 6,000 files to copy over, and that took several days to complete. It worked, although about 6% of the files had issues that were linked to being in new locations.

I was wondering if I could use the s3cmd tool to sync all the pre-existing files over to the S3 bucket, and then serve the media from there using this plugin without having to go through the offload media tool for previously uploaded media given how long it took on bavatuesdays. I used S3cmd to sync the media files for the ds106 multisite before offloading, and while all the media moved over cleanly, I still needed to run the offload tool through the WP offload Media plugin. While took forever on bavatuesdays, as noted already, it did all 11,000 files for ds106 in about 15-20 minutes, so I am wondering if syncing all files to the S3 bucket beforehand made offloading faster or if the fact bavatuesdays is a the multi-region site caused issues that slowed it down on that site. I’m not sure, but I will definitely have to figure that piece out.

Also worth noting is that the WP Offload Media plugin worked cleanly for the ds106 multisite with various subdomains and at least one mapped domain, which is very good news.

One issue I ran into on bavatuesdays was linked to the fact that I had used the WP Offload Media Lite plugin a few years back as a test. It ran for about a year or so and then I turned it off, but when I re-activated the pro version using a new bucket, namely files.bavatuesdays.com, the database had already stored details about the old bucket  bavamediauploads I’d setup previously, so there were some issues. I had to manually remove media from the old bucket through the Media Library and then offload it again to the new bucket. The plugin adds tool to the Media Library for removing and adding media to the S3 bucket, which is nice, and it is possible to bulk select the removal and offload options, so it was not too painful, but this is something to lookout for if you have previously used the plugin.

Once I had all the media offloaded cleanly, it was time to test running the delivery through Cloudflare. First thing to do is create a CNAME domain alias to map to the bucket in order to deliver media over the subdomain files.bavatuesdays.com. To do this you create a CNAME in Cloudflare and the value you add is files.bavatuesdays.com.s3.amazonaws.com with the first part of the target before the S3 reflecting the domain alias.

Screenshot of Adding CNMAE for domain alias in Cloudflare

Adding CNAME for domain alias in Cloudflare

Once that is added go to the delivery section of the plugin and select what provider you will be using, as you might have guessed this blog is using Cloudflare to harness their CDN for faster media delivery.

Screenshot WP Offload Media selec t Delivery provider Dialogue Box

WP Offload Media selec t Delivery provider Dialogue Box

After that, toggle the “Deliver Offloaded Media”  button to start delivering media from the S3 bucket, and also toggle Use Custom Domain Name option to enables the alias files.bavatuesdays.com:

Screenshot of WP Offload Media Delivery Options

WP Offload Media Delivery Options

I also selected Force HTTPS, but not sure that is making a difference given that is already happening on Cloudflare. Also, there’s a private media settings error that I think is mainly linked to AWS’s Cloudfront option, so not sure if it is relevant for this setup through Cloudflare, but will need to verify as much.

I’m also using a similar domain alias on ds106.us as well (files.ds106.us), and it worked identically for the WordPress Multisite setup and is functioning without issues as far as I know. I still have to test some more sophisticated permissions setups for serving media, but all-in-all, I think this plugin really moves us towards being able to offload a significant amount of stored media on our dedicated servers to S3 buckets which should free up terabytes of data on our Cloud infrastrucuture, which would be a gigantic win!

Posted in AWS, plugins, reclaim, Reclaim Cloud, s3, WordPress | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

10 Years a Reclaimer

I have a longer post I want to write about Reclaim Hosting at what seems an inflection point for the company. I’ll use that to get a bit more indulgent about the where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are heading. But for this post I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that as of today Reclaim Hosting is the only place I have ever worked for ten years, just barely beating out UMW a couple of months back.

In many ways I consider myself first and foremost an employee of Reclaim: I still answer tickets; I still make sales; I still do edtech work; I still do talks on occasion; and most importantly I still enjoy all of it. But I don’t know exactly why? I have seen much better people than me burn out, but maybe it’s because I’m equal parts stupid and stubborn: I love a simple routine, and Reclaim has provided a stable, drama-free work life that has afforded me just that—with the added bonus of living in a foreign land. Plus, given I never truly stop working, running my own company makes good sense and it removed the pointless railing against a boss which may have even made me somehow more productive.

10 Years at Reclaim is, indeed, a lot of good work, and I am proud of pretty much all of it. It’s a landmark for the company on many levels, but today I’m just one of the employees that make it work. And, I must say, it has been very, very good to me. I truly love Reclaim Hosting for not only providing a human alternative to the faceless tech conglomerates, but also because it has been a great place to work amongst amazing people for the last decade, thanks Reclaim!

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Reclaim Today explores Docsify This

In our most recent episode of Reclaim Today, Taylor Jadin and I talked with Paul Hibbitts about his work to create Docsify This. This tool is in many ways part of a longer trajectory of Hibbitts’s work, which I first learned of through the creative ways he was using the open source flat-file content management system Grav to build out open course templates. His work with open source, markdown-based templates broadened to include Docsify, a lightweight tool for publishing documentation. More recently, he created his own tool, Docsify This, that enables folks to take markdown from any document and convert that into a web-based HTML page without the need for a server—making the entire process as simply as copying and pasting a link. It’s not only a cool, useful tool, but the discussion frames the trajectory of Paul’s work from Grav through Docsify in terms of a journey to make the online publishing process as easy and lightweight as possible. If you’re interested in open source publishing tools that might prove useful and make someone’s life easier, this session just might be for you.

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