A domain of one’s own

Olianders Identity Crisis #4

Image credit: Olivander’s Identity Crisis #4

It was recently announced by Mary Washington’s new president that the next academic year (2009/2010) will be “The Year of the Digital Campus” at UMW. While I think we are uniquely positioned to make the most of this idea, I also wonder what it means exactly. But, in all fairness, I don’t think anyone is entirely sure what it means just yet. Nonetheless, the Division of Teaching and Learning—never short on ideas!—recently sat down with UMW’s new CIO to talk a bit about what it is we do, and during this discussion some possibilities were floated about next year’s “digital campus” theme.

What we talked about was the idea of drawing attention to the importance of framing one’s online identity in the 21st century. What could be more important for our moment than devoting a year to think about how we integrate the importance of a digital identity into the raison d’être of a university? Not only to engage what it means for individuals within an academic community to both create and cultivate their online identity, but also how we might be able to actually help 4,000+ community members actually do it with relative ease?

Well, as you might have guessed, this is where UMW Blogs comes in 🙂 And while this is all thinking out loud at the moment, the idea of a campus wide campaign to think about the importance of a digital identity has me intrigued. Let’s think about the question of digital identity on campuses presently, they are often associated with a campus email address or maybe a shared network space with some room for storing files and perhaps a meager webspace, the URL of which might look something like this:


And while the idea behind the above web space for its community members might have been marginally useful for a while, I would argue that such space is completely useless for thinking about digital identities for our moment. How does this space enable easy authoring and integrating the various identities so many of us have around the web? Well, given the limitations of such a space, it can’t provide much more than a hand-written HTML page with a few links and a flashing mail box 😉

Moreover, the above URL is premised upon an individual’s enrollment in a university or college, and when they leave that school this space will often disappear. A digital identity should be an online address one can have no matter where they are, a space where you can track that person as they move not only from being a freshman to a sophomore, but from an undergraduate to a graduate and beyond. An online home where they consciously integrate their professional profile through a streaming set of resources and spaces they inhabit online. To steal a concept from a recent comment by Gardner Campbell (who was quoting Doug Engelbart), an “integrated domain” flowing with traces of the work one does and the ideas they are exploring.

Now, in the case of UMW, we are in a situation where many of our students and faculty are using tools like blogs and wikis to trace the work they are doing, both as part of a course as well as independent thinkers. But, the URLs can often be dependent on a students fancy and remain couched within the domain umwblogs.org (such as jimgroom.umwblogs.org) which raises many of the same questions about persistence as the web space I maligned in the previous paragraphs 🙂

So, how might all this change if we actually purchased everyone* on campus a domain for one year (at the tune of roughly $36,000) and framed the experience in such a way that all students, staff, and professors were able to easily setup and control their online identity through their own domain (something like jimgroom.net). One which they could take ownership of, maintain, and perhaps continue on with in some kind of perpetuity. I think UMW Blogs would be key to such an experiment because mapping a domain onto a blog is trivial (everyone could do it for themselves) and WordPress is an application that is ideally suited for syndicating fragmented resources from various spaces into a more comprehensive whole. Not to mention that this is a platform many within our community are already familiar with, which would allow us to bypass many of the technical and training concerns and enable us to focus on the conceptual importance of framing one’s digital identity. As Brad Kozlek suggested recently in this post, “[the] blog is a tool for students to craft their digital identity with intention.” The key here is the crafting of an identity with a purpose, the conscious consideration and creation of one’s professional/academic identity online: a domain of one’s own!

Jeff McClurken brought up some excellent concerns at our meeting last week, namely that if we are going to pursue such an all-encompassing enterprise, we had better be sure we have something to work towards academically so that it isn’t interesting in idea alone, but actually is carried out in relationship to the work students are doing at UMW. I couldn’t agree with him more in this, and I think that is where the planning and thinking comes into play, and the way I figure it we only have three or four months to make this a reality before the window of opportunity passes, so my thinking aloud here is to raise the questions and concerns so a model might present itself so that we can actually try what I think would be a pretty fascinating experiment.

*If giving the entire campus a domain is too unwieldy, which I don’t think it is given the omnipresence of UMW Blogs 🙂 , how about we focus on the incoming Freshman, and using this as a space where first year student’s frame their academic lives at the university which I imagine would be centered around their research in the required freshman seminar.

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39 Responses to A domain of one’s own

  1. George Brett says:

    What is timely, exciting, and a challenge of this proposition is that it more directly addresses digital literacy than any such idea I’ve read or heard about so far. Sure it will be easy to do initial purchase, setup, and mapping of each domain. What will be the greater challenge initially but includes a much greater reward in the long run is the education, the experience, the ownership, the value for the individual student and scholar of his and her own words, ideas, digital footprint beginning at UMW and carried forth through life long learning.

    You all have developed a rational answer to my queries over the last year or so: What about an e-Portfolio? How can we prepare to manage our digital footprint as we move from campus to campus to career (e.g., baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, post doctoral, to specialty, etc., etc.)

    This will be my domain, my reputation, my knowledge to be shared, held back, cultivated, pruned, and kept alive through which ever media I choose whether WordPress now and some other technology 10 years from now.

    You all need to mentor me, the student and the faculty member of UMW, to understand basics of content management, service providers, protecting or letting go of my intellectual property and other lessons I can not imagine at the moment.

    This is what Digital Literacy really needs to be about. It is more than html or making friends on social media. It’s a Permanent Revolution!

  2. Dave Lester says:

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot since WordCampEd, and it has grown on my a lot.

    Now, it may be too experimental (or intensive to develop), but I wonder if someone could rig up code that Googles every student at UMW. You have a database of the users — Google just their name, and then see out of all of those students how many have their Facebook profile in their top 10 results (I think you could scrape UMW from their list of ‘networks’ to make sure it’s really them). There’s something to be said about encouraging students control their identities online, and maybe you’ll have more ammunition for your revolution if you get hard numbers as to how many are letting Facebook clutter their Googlability (did I just make up that phrase??).

    At the end of the day, a Facebook profile may only hurt someone land a job, but their UMW blog? That may help.. Maybe this idea could be adapted a bit? Or maybe it’s not worth it?


  3. Chris Lott says:

    You must be reading my mind. I’ve included something very like this in a proposal I’ve put forth to provide a campus-wide “blogging” (a bit more than that)! Basically my idea is to become a mini-service provider for the student that goes beyond the institution. It’s kind of a pipe dream here, right now, because of institutional IT policies and I’m not sure that my idea to move it completely out of University IT management (from a technological standpoint) is going to receive any traction– though this is the way I would like to do it because then, at whatever point it becomes relevant, transitioning to student financial ownership is easy and they can keep other servces intact (particularly wiki space), but I’m trying!

  4. Reverend says:


    This will be my domain, my reputation, my knowledge to be shared, held back, cultivated, pruned, and kept alive through which ever media I choose whether WordPress now and some other technology 10 years from now.

    Exactly right, WordPress is not the operative factor here, the actual address becomes what is important as a space that they understand as theirs, and build and think around it accordingly. it is not branded with the school, but rather the school becomes the spaces through which the begin the theorize and realize its importance for all the reasons you list. Your questions about the digital footprint you posed last year at faculty academy have stayed with me for a while, and all my experimentation with domain mapping, which at times was pure naval gazing, may very well provide one simple way at this larger idea viz-a-viz WPMu. So thanks for pushing 😉

    Funny you say this, because the idea of them having their own domain, if this happens, might change the nature of scraping data ll together. Well, let me qualify this by saying Patrick seemed thrilled at the idea of having a solid URI, more details than that I am unsure of 🙂

    But the question of Facebook you raise is a good one, I intentionally left mention of Facebook out of this post, though it was on my mind the whole time, because I increasingly believe it is a very different tool than what we are imagining. That is directory and networking space, this is more of an academic publishing space and professional presence. It doesn’t have to be limited to that, and I would hate to start defining it to narrowly before people begin playing with it (if they even do–I’m getting ahead of myself). Facebook is an awesome tool in many ways, but it isn;t there’s and they can;t take it with them. These and all the data they publish within it is there’s the have the option of continuing it for a 8 bucks a year, and exporting all their data to their own space for the future of their archive. It is a tacit acknowledgment of this new reality, and an explicit educational campaign to let them know just how much control over their work they do have–and how serious we are about putting the control of this work in their hands, while at the same time managing the flow of information from their spaces while they are at UMW. A key difference that facebook doesn’t even begin to address, it just assumes everyone will be in there forever, and perhaps they will–but what if they are not?

    Yeah, I think this idea has been bandied ab out a bit, and I don’t think it is entirely original. Much of it plays off of Gardner’s idea for the Odyssey project, which was give a select group of 50 faculty and students a Bluehost account each, and work closely with them for development. i like that idea, but the overhead with throwing fifty folks into their own Bluehost account to me seemed steep.

    This seems easier and more doable to me. Mainly because Domain Mapping with WPMu is trivial, and being done alreayd with WordPress.com, Typepad, etc. We can map 900 or 4,000 domain no problem, and give everyone simple directions that they can manage. The purchasing of domains and domain selection may be tricky, and we would need to be thorough about that, but I’m sure their would be a way. it is the culture of educating and getting people excited about this space both in classes and outside of them that would be the real challenge. And I personally believe UMW could make a very solid run at making this a big success. In part because the faculty at UMW are amazing, and partly because we have a team like DTLT that has been plying the waters for years. If it happened it could flop, and we would have to be sure to get a wide range of faculty involved, if it succeeds, than we have really moved beyond the email address as a point of digital identity and re-framed that as the domain, which they own and is not beholden to anyone service application or school—it’s theirs.

  5. zach whalen says:

    Well, I for one can point to some pretty direct benefits in terms of opportunities arising through zachwhalen.net. If I may voice a practical concern, however, what about obsolescence of domain registration? That is, at what point do students start assuming the cost of registering their domains, after graduation?

    What about those who don’t, for whatever reason, choose to continue their registration? Their unused domains may become a campground for those annoying ad-based “parked account” sites you see all of the time. It occurs to me that there’s a risk that domain abandonment would create an income stream for some nefarious spammer.

    I hope you don’t think I’m just nit-picking here with technicalities — I think this is a great idea and one that shares the spirit of the concerns I’ve expressed about the rhetorical implications of hosting my class’s discussions on teaching.zachwhalen.net (i.e. that students’ conversations are ultimately labeled with my first and last name). But I worry that while we create opportunities for students to build their online identities, we have to help mitigate the risk of those identities being hijacked.

    Lest anyone think that domain registration camping is no longer an issue, I let a registration lapse last year for a site that I had built into something pretty popular within a certain community. The jerk who swooped in minutes after it expired must be making some decent money off of the residual traffic because he wanted $11,000 when I tried to buy it back. Obviously, I’m pretty pissed that this guy is making income off of my work, but I moved the site itself to a new domain (using a better registrar) so it’s not worth the time and effort to pursue legal action against this guy.

    Anyway, the point is just that there’s a risk of exposing students to the front lines of these kinds of problems. Of course, that’s probably where the benefit lies as well. 🙂

  6. George Brett says:

    Your examples are perfect case studies of the implications, hazards, and realities of living a digital life in any way other than simple accounts with AOL, Earthlink, Google, MySpace or Facebook. Even in those settings it’s possible to loose an account to some other person or organization.

    On the other hand, there will be people who don’t care and will let their registration go. That’s their choice. But, hopefully it would be an informed decision.

    I’m curious now to see how the discussion goes down the paths of technical support, pedagogical value, and implications of intellectual property of the individual versus the institution.

    Thank you, Reverend for kicking off a marvelous discussion.

  7. “While I think we are uniquely positioned to make the most of this idea, I also wonder what it means exactly. But, in all fairness, I don’t think anyone is entirely sure what it means
    just yet.”

    I wondered what it meant as well when I read it. Perhaps it could mean a digital campus as opposed to terrestrial? This idea points to MIT’s move to cater a portion of their domain to smart devices [much like Facebook did]. This could perhaps lead to the literal mobile campus where neither teacher nor student are tied to the terrestrial classroom. [Note to Rev…the code will be open @ MIT!]

    Evolution of such a space could lead to advances in outreach programs for students in lower level disadvantaged educational environments. Their programs could be enriched via the same digital campus utilized by higher education through smart devices.

    With regard to the importance of online identity, it should be a part of freshman orientation, perhaps even its own course. At that stage of development, it’s difficult to emphasize the consequences of any action as impulse control is undergoing radical change during adolesence.

    As was mentioned, your digital identity is not going to reside in a static location. When your physical location, as well as technology, changes, so will the location and format of your digital identity. So, it is also important to teach the management and mobility of a digital identity, but difficult to address how and when a change will take place.

    All of this is something I’d like to pursue at Oberlin. Hopefully I will get the chance!

  8. Cole says:

    Jim, I like the idea in concept, but I would suggest you look at the problems associated with large-scale name space management. I know it doesn’t sound too sexy, but managing tens of thousands of domains — all created based on a not so unique identifier like a first and last name is not a scalable solution. It is fine for a few hundred, but long term it is a nightmare. With that said, it is a very interesting challenge … and one that would be fun to watch play out.

    I do like the notion that digital identity is at the root of the proposal, but I wonder if building it on the notion of a specific domain is important enough to add that layer to an otherwise brilliant initiative. What I mean is that the notion of working with faculty and students to understand the value in building an on (and off) line meta identity through reflection, participation, and publishing is a major undertaking in and of itself. What does your year of the digital campus look like without the need for personal domains? As a rough example, do I need a vanity license plate to fully appreciate a drive across the US on old route 66? Not sure it makes a difference, but the focus on the experience seems the more important aspect.

    You are thinking about some important issues of long-term sustainability with (an unfortunate term here) IT solution management. When do we offer services and when do we turn them off? Brutal decisions — especially as it relates to the portfolio possibilities of the blogging platform. I wonder if the back room IT staff who originally brought email to our campuses are laughing at us sometimes?

    What I’d like to think about is how do we create interoperability so that while they are part of the academy that there spaces are within the confines of that environment, but when they leave it is easy for them (if interested) to take it with them in an active state. I would think more and more of them will show up with a big piece of their digital identity already well underway — letting them build upon it while within our domain will be important. Think of the intellectual development that happens while students are in college … the ability to look across a lifetime of digital work could be an important piece to their life long learning and identity management. Maybe this doesn’t make any sense and maybe I am not thinking broadly enough, but this is something that seems to make some sense to me.

    With all that said, if you can pull off what you are proposing it would be very impressive.

  9. zach whalen says:

    Regarding the question of scale, and responsibility, how about placing the responsibility for selecting and maintaining the domain name entirely the student’s responsibility, while bypassing the scalability question? For instance, include “Go register a domain name” among the requirements of a course syllabi. Some time in class could be spent educating students about the implications of identity formation, etc., as well as some of the hazards of different registration situations. The institution could also support hosting through a third-party shared-hosting service (or locally, or whatever).

    As an institution, then, the question is whether there’s benefit (pedagogical or ideological) in registering domains for students. If the idea is that they become owners of their identity online, why not make them responsible from the outset?

  10. As an institution, then, the question is whether there’s benefit (pedagogical or ideological) in registering domains for students. If the idea is that they become owners of their identity online, why not make them responsible from the outset? .

    Good point. Teach responsibility and mobility: if you wish to stay in the loop, you have to take the red pill yourself and you control your own trip.

    The role of the Uni could be strictly pedagogical. Here’s how you get there [how, where and why register a domain name] and here’s what you need to do to stay there in a meaningful state [content, maintenance, backups, re-registration, etc].

  11. lucychili says:

    This website is the beginning of thinking about edu identity beyond a specific institution. It is a work in progress, but the initial idea is similar in terms of a personal portfolio which acts as a hub to wherever you are up to. Currently used for educators, not yet for students. https://me.edu.au/login.htm

    Also this event about student safety was interesting.
    We had two young wikipedia editors who were talking about being careful to facet themselves so that they had a public online self and a private self. http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?id=1843

    See Daniel and Riana’s recording.

    For myself, my nickname is now more ‘me’ than my real name.
    It is also easier to secure in new contexts because it is strangely spelt. Young people will find a tag which they persist with to be a way of retaining congruence and privacy at the same time. People find a more complete reflection of my online efforts under lucychili than under jhawtin simply because I cannot claim the name space in all contexts.

    For those who want to map to their real identity openid is a standard which is starting to provide a formal structure for online congruence.



  12. Reverend says:


    How cool are all of you for chiming in here to help us out?! The issues raised above are key for us think through as begin to think about such a project–and while it is very much in its conception phase right now–all this discussion makes me feel it is much, much further!

    Here’s the play-by-play:

    I don’t think we would want to get in the business of treating domains like campus email addresses. Rather this would be an experiment where we would purchase all students and faculty, or maybe just the incoming class of Freshman, and freshman seminar profs, a domain and work on the educational part. At the end of the year it is theirs to take or leave. The question of spam squatters is a good one, but I imagine the students who don;t continue their domain won;t have had much there they care to hang on to. And, like you suggest, the thinking about these implications out in the open would be part of the logic. I wouldn’t expect many of the students to continue their domain, but I think all of them would have to think about what it means and why it may be significant, which would get at the point of digital identity just the same.


    I agree with you entirely on this. part of this experiment, and I stress experiment here, would be the idea of choosing. And the “outcomes” and “assessment” may very well be how many people decided to keep a domain and why. That alone would be a fascinating frame for study, discussion, and iterating an experiment like this oput.


    Yeah, I actually just frame this idea of digital identity off of a very broad concept, and I imagine this would be one direction of many the campus might and will take. The idea of multiple homes in a digital campus through mobile devices, etc. would be key. Moreover, the idea of a course or even series of sessions where the freshman seminars were brought around a table to think through these ideas at certain times over the course of the year would go a long way. I think, like with p2p file sharing, an open, thoughtful discussion about the implications and possibilities would go much farther to raise consciousness and understanding on a campus that a series of edicts and rules.

    Yeah, I’m glad you chimed in here, because I was kind o ignoring the administrative side to some degree–I have been known 🙂 But, the way I was thinking about it is along the lines that Zach suggested in his follow-up comment. Frame the significance of a domain as space to frame your online identity that can both contain your college work as well as transcend it over time and one’s peripatetic peregrinations throughout life. That said, managing 4,000+ plus domains for a year might be insane in and of itself–I was thinking we set up our own domain registration service and run in locally or through an external service. Then just send everyone emails at the end of the year letting them know the domains are theirs to renew or let back into the wild. I guess I am thinking of the domains as an object of shared attention to think through the implications in some broader sense. I think if we did it with a disk space on campus or even an UMW Blogs address it wouldn’t carry the same impact, but I may be wrong in this. I increasingly feel the object (in this case their own domain) changes one’s perception of the concept. It invests us in it somehow—isn’t that why they are all going to college anyway? 😉

    Having said this, I still think your concerns about the domain and object and the potential overhead of maintaining domains, even if only for a year, would be something to think hard about before jumping into this. The idea that digital identity as a concept to pursue is in many ways enough, is something I actually agree with, I’m just wondering what the “material” hook is. I think i am just too much of a domain whore and consumer at heart!


    The question of “real identity” and an “assumed identity” or nickname is interesting here. I actually think you bring up a very interesting space here that we would have to explore at some length. Why would one not want to make their real identity equivalent to their online identity. Protection is one, but their could be many, many more that are very less obvious and more complex in origin and idea. That would be wild to think through.

    Also, I think it’s really interesting you should mention OpenID here in regards to a real identity and formal structure. I think you bring up something really important, and potentially build a whole ‘nother layer on to this. What does it mean to secure your identity, and bring the multiple, fractal elements into a loose ring of authentication and ownership. Especially since OpenID, as well as I understand it–which isn;t that well—can be linked with a domain. And we can have an OpenID server for UMW Blogs, in many ways completing the circle, and adding the question of security and maintenance into this discussion. Yet another awesome comment!

    All: I can’t thank you enough for helping us think through this, I know it is half-baked, and while a very exciting prospect—a lot of the issues addressed here provide a very rich and complex thinking through this process that is invaluable. So, now we have to figure out how to do it, because we can’t let all your hard work go to waste :0

    Keep ’em coming!

  13. Thanks for your post. I have been exploring this open ID and on-line identity, and would like to learn more about it. Without an authentic presence, I am concerned about the validity of the following:
    (a) authenticity of learning – is it a real conversation or just pretended appreciative inquiry? Are the experience shared real or fictitious?
    (b) validity and reliability of research and surveys done digitally – Will there be lots of make up data? Will people make up fake research? Are there any control mechanism in place in networks on such research?
    (c) accreditation and assessment – Will there be make up data for institution or networks in order to satisfy the accreditation requirements? How valid and reliable will assessment be? What sort of controls are needed on digital assessment?
    I am optimistic about learning via Web2.0 and internet, but would like to raise these concerns for the community to consider.
    I have created a few posts on my blog at http://suifaijohnmak.wordpress.com
    for comments.

  14. Reverend says:

    Sui Fai John Mak,

    These are all excellent questions, and I think they really pertain to the CCK course you are currently taking with Stephen Downes and George Siemens. The experiment I am talking about at UMW won’t be nearly so distributed in terms of credit, assessment and”authenticity. It will be tied to an institution, and the means for assessment and “authenticity” (I’ll talk about why I put this term in quotes shortly) will probably be very much rooted in what professors have done throughout their career. Keep in mind, however, that assessment is not a blanket set of rules institutions impress on faculty and students, professors often have the freedom to frame their own approach–which often makes it both loosely defined and necessarily flexible.

    The term “authenticity” in regards to learning raises a ton of questions for me. What is “authentic learning”? The term is bandied around a lot by educational outcomes and assessment folks, but I am not so certain it is either definable nor quantifiable in the alpha-numeric system we have adopted. As for the veracity of an individual’s research or proof of someone’s findings, I think those issues remain whether you are within an institution or an independent learner/scholar in a distributed course. It’s a question of ethics, not authenticity per se, at least in my mind.

    I think so many of the questions you raise are cornerstones of large, philosophical issues surrounding our educational system in general, whether or not it is online or in a traditional classroom. I also think many of these questions will become increasingly irrelevant in the future, because this system depends upon a centralized logic of accreditation, certification, and assessment. I may be wrong here, but I feel that one’s reputation will increasingly be premised on what they do with what they learn rather than how well they regurgitate the details of a pre-fabricated curriculum. The future of education will depend as much on thinking about the intellectual traditions and movements as it will encourage others to engage the creative revolution that has never been more readily available to the average learner. We need less assessment and routinized learning, and more creative space to expand the horizons of the human mind.

  15. Thank you very much for your response. I agree with your point that “future of education will depend as much on thinking about the intellectual traditions and movements as it will encourage others to engage the creative revolution…We need less assessment and routinized learning, and more creative space to expand the horizons of the human mind.”
    How are blogs assessment done in UMW? Is creative ideas or design also a criteria in any blog assessment?
    I am also intending to research on: What makes a blogger in 2009? Are there any “quantitive and qualitative” scientific or survey research you are aware of? Would you be interested in such research?
    I have written a few posts on this area in my blog.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  16. Pingback: Course Blogs and Students Palimpsesting Themselves – Semantic UMW

  17. Pingback: Digital Identity | TechTicker

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  37. Pingback: Building Your Domain of One’s Own | CT101 Digital Storytelling

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  39. Pingback: A Personal Cyberinfrastructure | Open Education Annotated Bibliography

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