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Generations from now, they won't call it the Internet anymore. They'll just say, "I logged on to the Jim Groom this morning.
-Joe McMahon
Everything Jim Groom touches is gold. He's like King Midas, but with the Internet.
-Serena Epstein
My understanding is that an essential requirement of the internet is to do whatever Jim Groom asks of you while you're online.
-James D. Calder
@jimgroom is the Billy Martin of edtech.
-Luke Waltzer
My 3yr old son is VERY intrigued by @jimgroom's avatar. "Is he a superhero?" "Well, yes, son, to many he is."
-Clint Lalonde
Jim Groom is a fiery man.
-Antonella Dalla Torre
“Reverend” Jim “The Bava” Groom, alias “Snake Pliskin” is a charlatan and a fraud, a self-confessed “used car salesman” clawing his way into the glamour of the education technology keynote circuit via the efforts of his oppressed minions at the University of Mary Washington’s DTLT and beyond. The monster behind educational time-sink ds106 and still recovering from his bid for hipster stardom with “Edupunk”, Jim spends his days using his dwindling credibility to sell cheap webhosting to gullible undergraduates and getting banned from YouTube for gross piracy.
I am Jim Groom
Find out more about me here.
Recent comments
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Mark Corbett Wilson on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Alan Levine on The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Reverend on Mission Accomplished
- Tim Owens on Mission Accomplished
- Reverend on At Close Range: Like Father. Like Son. Like Hell?
- Paul on At Close Range: Like Father. Like Son. Like Hell?
- Shawn on Exidy 440 Dev Kit on Cheyenne
- Reverend on Spider-Man 1967, Episode 23: “Swing City”
- Alex Masters on Archiving 20 Years of the bava
- Reverend on Archiving 20 Years of the bava
- Anne-Marie Scott on Archiving 20 Years of the bava
Recent Posts
- The ABCs of Blogging: Always Be Commenting
- Mission Accomplished
- At Close Range: Like Father. Like Son. Like Hell?
- bavacade Update: 1-5-2025
- Archiving 20 Years of the bava
- Be More Bea
- More Retrogaming Fun with Batocera
- A Christmas Story about the Atari 2600
- Blog OR DIE!
- Bavastudio One Year Later
browse the bavarchive
some favorites
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Tag Archives: Twilight Zone
The Horror of Dolls This week in Tales from ds106 Paul Bond and I discussed a couple of classic horror stories focused on dolls: The Twilight Zone’s “Living Doll” and Richard Matheson‘s episode “Amelia” from the TV movie Trilogy of Terror (1975). One of the questions we … Continue reading
A special darkness all my own
One of the things I really love about the classic “The Eye of the Beholder” Twilight Zone episode is the tension built up during the scene wherein the doctors and nurses unwrap the gauze. Everything was working towards this moment, … Continue reading
Don’t wait until the end of the world to…READ!
I created yet another design assignment for ds106 because I’m just that good. This one is based on the Read poster campaign that started in 1985. Here is the description: Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to … Continue reading
The Invaders in 4 Icons
In today’s “Introduction to Design” session Tim Owens and I demonstrated how to approach a few design assignments. One in particular was how you could use The Noun Project and GIMP to do a 4 Icon Challenge. A number of folks already … Continue reading
Giffing Anti-Intellectualism in “Time Enough at Last”
The following three GIFs capture one of Rod Serling’s recurrent themes in the Twilight Zone: anti-intellectualism. While “Time Enough at Last” is about many things, I can’t help but read Mrs. Bemis’s sadistic defiling of her husband’s books as anything … Continue reading
ds106zone week 2: Design, Audio, and Twilight Zone, oh my!
This Week’s Twilight Zone Episodes This week you will be required to watch and create around three Twilight Zone episodes: “The Eye of the Beholder,” “The Midnight Sun,” and “Time Enough at Last.” You can find “Eye of the Beholder” in … Continue reading
A Serling Vision of Faith
I was catching up on my RSS feeds last night when I came across this gem from Rod Serling via John Kenneth Muir—who is one hell of a b-culture blogger. I think the destiny of all men is not to sit … Continue reading
Given the web is dead….
…I figured I’d wait a bit for all the money drenched scum to clear out on their smart phones and tethered providers before I came back home. Frankly, the web was beginning to smell a bit, kind of a brand … Continue reading
Stopover in a Quiet Town
My favorite Twilight Zone episode for the last six or seven years is “Stopover in a Quiet Town.” I think the whole idea of two people waking up after a bender in an abandoned town in which they discover everything … Continue reading